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What happened on 31 Aug - 1 Sep ?

Started by Roger Rooney, September 04, 2010, 12:46:35 AM

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Roger Rooney

On first of September when looking at '' I found I'd lost 25% of my accumulated credits.  :furious:

I checked out BOINK@AUSTRALIA and found the same thing had happened there.   ???

Cannot seem to find out anything about it, so I posted a message on the allprojects forum.

Any ideas, anyone?



If you crunch Climate Prediction, then thatis the reason.  Somehow their database has screwed up. They are trying to sort it out. we just have to be patient


TinMan is correct. I show a 100+k loss of credits there. I've had this happen before at other projects when the stat's reporting systems pick up data from a corrupted DB. It all gets sorted in a few days.


Roger Rooney

Thanks for that, Tinman.

I'll sit back and be patient - but I'll still crunch numbers.  :cool:


You'll find that your credits are back now -  just had a look and I have accumulated a nice, hefty 800K since last daily update !

BTW - +1 for getting out here and posting..... make sure you come back and visit every now and then Roger !!  :thumbsup:


Ah that's better, it's marvellous what a difference Milo makes.  ;D

+1 first post Roger Rooney.

Roger Rooney

I've just checked and the proper stats are back.  :thumbsup:

Many thanks to whoever fixed it.  :worship

Thanks to those who replied to the thread, it was nice to know what the problem was.


Quote from: Roger Rooney on September 04, 2010, 02:37:58 PM
.....Many thanks to whoever fixed it.  :worship.....

It wasn't just a old advertising slogan with no relevance, his name really is Milo.

Dr Milo Thurston