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Started by Vajras, July 24, 2010, 11:13:17 AM

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i had been having some trouble for a couple of months now with a couple of very malformed "designed for Internet Exploder only" websites i often use and decided (a while back) to try out various other Linus compatible browsers in conjunction with their latest FF; also with various extensions like User Agent, Open in IE, and so on, just to see if something other than their latest vanilla browser would overcome the annoying things these idiot designers minds.. just.. can't.. see.. that.. have a problem.. with their web pages - and some of these sites are amongst the largest of financial-type sites in Oz who really should know better, given their past probls they've all had resulting sometimes in bulk compensation being paid to customers for their own web security stuff-ups.

E.g. all the major top 4 banks and one of the largest industry super funds in the country who helpfully (not) uggested i contact my Apple Service Centre! DOH!  :hbang:

If they had even bothered to read the entire problem thru fully, including the User Agent and screenshot stuff, perhaps they might finally get it thru their thick skulls and begin understand why there's stillbanking/computer fraud going on - even amongst us non-M$ users - no one is immune but some of us mitigate our !

Perhaps i really should be posting this in "What pissed me off today" instead :wink

Anyway... Seamonkey, Shiretoko, Namaroka and so on... would just not play properly...

So... it came to pass that... i then stumbled upon this FF ext'n - could be for the more adventurous among you... FoxTester (Linux only!) but so far today it has worked for me, testing-wise, posting, clarifying my details etc., that is; would never dream of doing that sort of stuff on any Windo$e boxen.

Verbiage from developers site

Install and launch multiple versions of Firefox while using the default installation and without affecting the default user profile. Also allows to turn any installed version into the default browser, to be used with the user default profile. This new version adds compatibility with Firefox 4.0b3pre.



[edit: comments and rantings!!!!]