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Crunching SETI for a while

Started by Dingo, May 18, 2013, 05:17:49 PM

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I decided that I needed to crunch SETI for a while as I am 11,812th in the world, 66th in the Team and 359th in the country and that is the highest I am in any project on three stats.     :shock

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Yep might join you on that one as well Dingo, I just need to re do the catalyst drivers and get back up to the ones I had running sweet. 

I am going to switch between Seti and Beta as well.

I have given up on DISTRGN for the time being, everytime I get a work unit it completes till a 100 percent then just gets stuck

I am also doing HPF2 on WCG, I am trying to get at least silver before it shuts down.


 AA 24 - 53 participant


Quote from: tazzduke on May 18, 2013, 08:19:32 PM
Yep might join you on that one as well Dingo, I just need to re do the catalyst drivers and get back up to the ones I had running sweet.  

I have read that the 12.8 drivers are best for Seti. Also, when you change the drivers I think you need to delete all binaries (.bin and .bin_V6) in the Seti project directory, to force the app to generate new ones. Just back them up first in case I'm completely wrong...    ;D


I have no idea what drivers are better and what to change so I just downloaded the newest ones and SETI GPU is running fine on my 2 HD 5850's.  They process each work unit in about 45 - 50 minutes.

EDIT:  I put seconds instead of minutes  :boom:

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Good call Sean, I have now full clean install of 12.8, and already had a backup of my SETI directory (which had the correct app_info.xml with the latest apps for both MB and AP), so I goes and reattach to SETI and SETI Beta, puts my backup copies back into the normal SETI folder, and voila downloads some workunits and then bang, I get me some computation errors. 

Silly me I forgot that the bin files had been compiled whilst I was on 13.5 beta.

Deleted the bin files and waited for awhile to download some workunits, after about 5 hours (I blew too many away and hit the task limit for the day) I got me some workunits and its all sweet.

You maybe wondering why I am not on 13.5 beta, which was working sweet for Seti and Seti Beta, its cause I it didnt work for MW, COLLATZ, DISTRGN.

12.8 = Successful on Seti, Seti Beta, MW, COLLATZ, Einstein, Albert, MOO and Primegrid.

Still no go with DISTRGEN, but cant be bothered figuring that one out at the moment.

Regards and Happy Crunching to All

 AA 24 - 53 participant


Looks like I am using 13.4, not changing now it is running OK.  What times are your work units running on the HD 58** series ???

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Greetings Dingo

Running on my HD 5850 1GB, with only one task running at a time with catalyst 12.8

MB tasks are varying between 10 mins thru to 30 mins, I must have got a bunch of shortie tasks at the moment (Running latest version 1817)

AP tasks vary between 45mins through to 2 hours. (Running latest version 1812)

These latest ones are the bees knees if you are running 13.4 / 13.5 beta drivers as well.


 AA 24 - 53 participant


I now have work that is stalling and running for hours where the % finished does not change.  I am going to revert to 12.8 if I can find it and give that a go.

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Well that was a waist of over an hour.  I downloaded the 12.8 but it didn't install properly and when I uninstalled it also uninstalled the SDK (OpenCL) so in the end I installed the newest version and the sdk again and am back to where I was.  I will see if it has problema ans maybe try again to downgrade tomorrow.

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Good Morning Dingo

Sorry to hear about your troubles, run a complete uninstall of catalyst drivers, then run the amd cleanup tool, and then also run driver fusion, this will cleanup any left over bits.

But I might be repeating stuff you already know???

Then run a complete reinstall of 12.8, selecting custom installation, this allows you to select the bits your want to load

Yeah I lost of 3 hours on saturday night, but I got there in the end.


 AA 24 - 53 participant


I have been running the latest version (13.4) for about 13 hours now and no problems so I will keep going on what is working I think.  I have never run driver fusion I will have to get that one and give it a try next time.

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Yea I've been stuck on 12.11 beta divers (never settle drivers) they work on everything except collatz.    Although I haven't tried SETI lately so i'm not sure if they work there or not.    Every time I try to update past 12.11 beta's I run into major problems somewhere in boinc land or loose the SDK completely & then revert back to 12.11 beta.  Like Tazz I've used these util's with mixed success.
1. amd_cleanup_util_1.2.1.0 
2. driver_fusion_1.6.0 3.
3. Atiman Uninstaller v.7.0.2

These 3 are said to be the best in ATI/AMD uninstallers but there's still no guarantee.    On collazt I remember reading part of the problem stems from installing new WHQL drivers over old beta drivers,  but that's of little help.  The next time I get WHQL drivers that work on all boinc GPU projects I think I'll leave it at that.

One things for sure the latest ATI drivers are a pain in the butt.... :thumbdown:

PS @ Tazz: There used to be a problem when boinc would do it's CPU benchmarks it would hang DistrRTgen WU's.  I use to have this problem until I put this line into cc_config.xml..


Never had it since. (touch wood).  "If" this is your problem usually you can restart the "stuck" DistrRTgen WU by suspending & then after 10secs or so resume it and it should finish OK.  "If" this is the case then the above fix may work for you as it did with me.  But if it happens  for every WU then it's something completely different & most probably is driver related.

Hope it helps..

PSS Does anyone know if the Lunatics installer still works OK? (Lunatics_Win64_v0.40_setup)

I believe there was a later version that came after the version listed above,  but was quickly removed because of some licensing problems.  Anybody have a copy later than the one above?  Would be very keen to try that.


Greeting JN, okay thankyou about that with DISTRGN.

Now, I used the lunatics installer a few months ago, but then I got some knowledge of setting up app_info files, that I havent used it since.

Attach to Seeti with no new work (if you use BAM) or make sure your cache setting are at 0 and 0 (you may get one task, who knows)

Totally shutdown boinc, including through the taskmanager

This will setup your Seti directory

I have attached a copy of my app_info.xml file that is specific for me, but you would be able to work it out for your puter.

I also downloaded the latest app builds from lunatics for AP and MB, these contain fixes and so will work with 12.10, 13.4 and 13.5 beta

PLEASE DO NOT USE 13.1 BUILD OF CATALYST - it wont work at all.

Just download, unzip and then copy into your Seti directory.

Once you have figured out your setting for your APP_INFO file, save into your Seti directory.

Restart BOINC, then allow new work on Seti, but with a minimum work cache so if you get it wrong you only burn 1 or 2 but it you get it right, open the floodgates.

I like doing AP's but if they run out I then start on MB's, and you with your hungry GPU's should plow through them.

Please remember, my APP_INFO is only set up for GPU and 1 instance only and 1 GPU only, so when it comes to 2 GPU's in a box or wanting a CPU as well, pop over to the SETI boards and there should be some information there

Happy Crunching


 AA 24 - 53 participant



Here is my app file



 AA 24 - 53 participant


Thanks for the info Tazz  :thumbsup:  Like Dingo my SETI position is looking a little sad of late.  Something I'll attempt to remedy once I finish off a few milestones.

Cheers JN