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Project Update

Started by Dataman, August 28, 2016, 12:23:32 AM

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Noticed very few of us are active at NFS and I had never run it so I put some CPU's there. Better than average credit and it is not a CPU Hog. Seems to run ok with BU.

EDIT: Received 3 badges on the first day.  :shock


New badges.  :thumbsup:

I see there's now - NFS@home (15e small) & NFS@home (16e small)


Edit - Massive memory hogs!  :faint: The 15e's are around 420Mb/wu and the 16e's around 600Mb/wu.


NFS put out this message but the project was down when I went to look.

Quote[NFS@home] And we're back!

The NFS@Home server was unexpectedly caught up in a campus network reorganization. That knocked us offline for a bit over a day. There may be brief outages over the next few days as we get everything settled again, but we are mostly back up with a new IP address. We apologize for the inconvenience.

View article · Fri, 5 Jan 2024 21:43:57 +0000

EDIT:  NFS is back up and running

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Thanks for the update Dingo.


Quote[NFS@home] BOINC Pentathlon
Welcome BOINC Pentathlon participants. NFS@Home has been chosen for the Javelin Throw discipline starting May 10 at midnight UTC.

View article · Thu, 9 May 2024 16:31:16 +0000

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Quote[NFS@home] BOINC Pentathlon - Thank you!
Thank you to all the BOINC Pentathlon participants who devoted their time and computing power to NFS@Home, and to SETI.Germany for organizing this event. We look forward to next time!

· Tue, 21 May 2024 01:00:21 +0000

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Have a look at the BOINC@AUSTRALIA Facebook Page and join and also the Twitter Page.

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