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Can you spot the penguin?

Started by Dataman, December 22, 2020, 08:45:08 AM

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Leif is visiting the mangroves in the Princess Alexandra National Park on the Turks and Caicos Islands one day earlier than usual. (Yet another 4-day weekend at Nature so the answer will not appear until Tue. but no worries as it is easy.)




Well that wasn't too bad of a one to get, again the background colouring help, a bit of hanging upside down today though lol.

 AA 24 - 53 participant


Yes I found that one as well.  The last one I couldn't see even after the result was published looking at the original.  :smilefriday

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Quote from: ryzenmulti on March 09, 2024, 11:46:42 AMMight have something to with the different light spectrum sensitivty with the eyes rods and cones from person to person; like a form of colour blindness but not actually color blind

I run amber tint on my glasses ( an no has nothing to do with my future being bright )  to help the screen glare .. is that a good thing or a bad thing ?? 


Quote from: aymii on May 17, 2024, 07:31:20 PM
Quote from: ryzenmulti on March 09, 2024, 11:46:42 AMMight have something to with the different light spectrum sensitivty with the eyes rods and cones from person to person; like a form of colour blindness but not actually color blind

I run amber tint on my glasses ( an no has nothing to do with my future being bright )  to help the screen glare .. is that a good thing or a bad thing ?? 

Would be interested to know if this helped. Filtering out blue light is supposed to affect mood and concentration - have you noticed any effect? It is why cooler (bluer) LED's around the home are a bad idea >4500K LED. Warmer LED's are supposed to be better (mood lighting). Something something red/blue rods/cones something
The further back you look, the further forward you can see.

COMING SOON!! (2024)
136 intel cores (no H/T), 212 AMD/ryzen cores 8 RTX GPU's, 10 Tesla GPUs and 1.5TB RAM

Home cooked twin primes using python ... it started out with 256 digits of pi and eulers number ... and has ended with
(6*(3358638*(5^6137)+177))-1 ,4297 digits, is prime
(6*(3358638*(5^6137)+177))+1 ,4297 digits, is prime


Wow, it last time we saw the Penguin was back in March 2024, I wonder if he is still lost.

More to the point, I wonder what has happened to Dataman?

Well even more to a point, there have been more than a few that have left the building.

More likely I have now gone off topic as well.

Happy New Year to you all.

Kind Regards

 AA 24 - 53 participant


Yes I miss the penguin.... and Dataman  :cry