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Ubuntu - Auto Start BOINC

Started by Dataman, June 05, 2018, 05:04:18 AM

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Is there a way to include BOINC in the startup of Ubuntu? I have the latest version of Ubuntu and BOINC but when I go to "Other Options" there is no option to to start BOINC when the OS restarts like there is in the Win10 version.


The Linux installation creates a file called /etc/init.d/boinc-client that is supposed to start BOINC on startup.  I have found that it did not work so I did the following from the command line.
Just check to see where BOINC is installed by typing
find / -name boinc

it will either be /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin/

cd /etc/init.d
rm boinc-client
vi boinc

Insert the following and save:

# BOINC start/stop
if [ $1 == start ];then
cd  /usr/local/bin     // This is where boinc is installed
./boinc --daemon --allow_remote_gui_rpc  
if [ $1 == stop ];then
  pkill boinc

Use   :x    to exit vi
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/boinc
/etc/init.d/boinc start   // start boinc

When you stop the machine it should start boinc on startup.  Hope this helps

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Thanks much. I will give it a try.


@ dataman
did you solve your problem re startup ??


Hi Dataman

Hope you find the answer you are looking for.

I am running Linux MINT 19.1 Cinnamon edition and it has the ability to add programs to the startup procedure, even allows you to add a delay as well.

Since my box does only SETI crunching and some ATLAS crunching and some Video watching and kept simple.


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