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Started by Cruncher Pete, February 20, 2018, 05:21:12 PM

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Cruncher Pete


Cruncher Pete

A New Project : dbnupperbound started recently


Thanks +1
* No work available.
* We need a team there.
* CPU only (another math project)
* No forum yet
* Could not figure out who is doing it. ?


Current application version is 1.07 (vbox64_mt). So VirtualBox and multithreaded too?

"Danger, Will Robinson!"

Nah, double jeopardy don't scare me none, yeeha, let's get some tasks and go to town. :jester:


I have created the Team on the projectbut there is still no work.  I also could not find out who they are other than it is a go daddy account for the web site.  There is no work available and I will not be running any tasks on my windows machine as I have had zero success in the past with vbox64_mt but  I might give it a try on a linux server?

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Quote from: kashi on September 26, 2018, 10:44:20 AM
Current application version is 1.07 (vbox64_mt). So VirtualBox and multithreaded too?

"Danger, Will Robinson!"

Nah, double jeopardy don't scare me none, yeeha, let's get some tasks and go to town. :jester:
:rofl: Kashi

Just what the World needs ... another VBox project.

Now that I have the triplets I can run LHC Vbox. If there is a contest for the most user unfriendly BOINC project that is LHC. I first tried 1 x 32-thread wu. It ate 64 GB of memory in about 5 sec's. By trial and mostly error I found I could only run 5 x 5-thread before running out of memory. The credits are lousy too.  :rofl:

I put it on my office machine with a 25% CPU limit and will wait and see if any wu's show up. I looked at the project profile and there does not seem to be an option to limit wu's or threads used.  :thumbdown:

Cruncher Pete

Dbnupperbound Project.  My research led me to Professor Terence Tao of Flinders University who is in charge and or running this project.  He is an Australian Citizen. He was at UCLA in the states when he received his credentials of Professor at the age of 24. He is recognized as the Maestro of Mathematics and one of the world's leading mathematician. I wonder if this could be the reason that the announcement of the Project was made by Dr  David Anderson of BOINC fame as he announced it on the BOINC Forum as a News item.  I do not recall him ever announcing a New Project in the forum before.


Terry Tao is a big deal in the land of maths.  v:


Oh - another project. How nice.

So - what is the practical  outcome of this project? Is it aimed at reducing costs? Curing diseases? Developing spacecraft? In simple terms, for the peasantry?

I regard such activities as building an endless list of prime numbers for instance, as useless academic indulgence (unless, of course, there is some practical application for these)


I moved the posts over from the other thread but stuffed up the topic of the threads.  Sorry... :boom:

Radioactive@home graph
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Proud Founder and member of BOINC@AUSTRALIA

My Luck Prime 1,056,356 digits.
Have a look at my  Web Cam of Parliament House Ottawa, CANADA


Quote from: Mysteron347 on September 27, 2018, 01:22:07 AM

I regard such activities as building an endless list of prime numbers for instance, as useless academic indulgence (unless, of course, there is some practical application for these)

Well, prime numbers are the basis of data encryption. Without them we could not securely buy tons of stuff we really do not need online.  :rofl:

As to this project, I have no idea.



Hmmm aren't there already enough projects related to prime numbers?


I received and processed 4 wu's that ran in 1.5 hours using 2 CPU's. Unfortunately, when they started to upload their server ran out of disk space (???). They are still stuck in the upload queue accumulating server backoff time.  :thumbdown:

EDIT: They uploaded, validated and I got some more. Looks like ~40-50 credits/hour/cpu on an i7 8700.


Chooka, it's related to prime numbers (the zeroes of the Riemann Zeta function) but I don't think it is computing new prime numbers or anything like that, it's actually trying to get a better upper bound to a number related to the Riemann zeta function.


Thanks shift. +1

The wu's process nicely but they use a heap of memory (like most vbox projects). I put it on a 12 thread machine with 16 GB memory and it could only do 4 x 2-thread. The rest wait for memory. There is no way in the preferences to limit the # of wu's and that is a big negative.