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What annoyed me today...

Started by The Chaser, September 08, 2023, 12:35:35 PM

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The Chaser

Having returned, I had problems in setting up my Signature. When I figured it out I was annoyed that although I have been crunching Boinc@Australia for over a week with many projects, I am still shown as member of the Scottish Boinc Team.  Never mind, it will eventually catch up I think.


Yea the BOINC gods are not easy to please lol.

Well I was impatient and ended up getting an RTX 3060ti, off the 2nd hand market, paid $400, but reckon I could have got it for $350. 

Was so close to getting an RTX 4060, as the card was getting the thumbs up over on the PG Discord forum, due to its low power consumption and being just a little bit faster than previous models.

As they say you win some and you lose some.

PS.  375 was my magic number for a resale, but market here is just saturated.

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