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Prime Numbers

Started by Dingo, May 09, 2009, 02:52:57 AM

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Mike Mitchell

AA's > 1-Malaria 2-Tanpaku 3-Riesl Siev 4-Seti 5-ABC 6-Einstein 7-WCG 8-Seti 9-QMC 10-WCG 11-Cosmo 12-ABC 13-MilkyWay 14-3x+1 15-Rosetta 16-ABC 17-MilkyWay 18-Einstein 19-WCG 20-WCG 21-Poem 22-Rosetta 23-Docking 24-Spinhenge 25-Alternate 26-Simap 27-Alternate 28-Constellation 29-WCG 30-Edges 31-Alternate 32-Pogs 33-WCG 34-Seti 35-Pogs 36-Poem 37-Pogs 38-Asteroids 39-Pogs 40-Simap 41-Pogs 42-Seti


I found a small Prime but they all count.  Have been trying for big ones lately that take a long time.byt still do a few small ones.

Dear Primefinder,

Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique prime number. This computer is assigned to the PPS (LLR). Since candidates on this subproject are not large enough to report to the Top 5000 Primes List, your prime is visible immediately.

Workunit 830141454 : 7069*2^1715314+1 (516365 digits)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us and we will surely resolve any problems.

Once again, congratulations on your find! Thank you for participating in PrimeGrid.

The PrimeGrid Staff

Radioactive@home graph
Have a look at the BOINC@AUSTRALIA Facebook Page and join and also the Twitter Page.

Proud Founder and member of BOINC@AUSTRALIA

My Luck Prime 1,056,356 digits.
Have a look at my  Web Cam of Parliament House Ottawa, CANADA

Mick Lindsay

 :congrats01 On the new prime Dingo


 :congrats01 Dingo on another prime,  :congrats  :congrats  :congrats

 AA 24 - 53 participant


Congratulations Dingo!


I found a GFN16 Prime.  I got this notice:

QuoteDear Primefinder,

Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique prime number. This computer is running BOINC, is attached to the PrimeGrid project, and is assigned to the Generalized Fermat Prime Search n=16 (GFN-16). What makes this prime unique is that it's large enough to enter the Top 5000 List in Chris Caldwell's The Largest Known Primes Database.

Since you have auto-reporting selected, the following prime was submitted on your behalf:

Added 134982 : 192882570^65536+1 (542985 digits)

This prime was found on this workunit which will automatically show as a prime result after verification by the Largest Known Primes Database.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us and we will surely resolve any problems.

Once again, congratulations on your find! Thank you for participating in PrimeGrid.

PrimeGrid staff[/quote

Radioactive@home graph
Have a look at the BOINC@AUSTRALIA Facebook Page and join and also the Twitter Page.

Proud Founder and member of BOINC@AUSTRALIA

My Luck Prime 1,056,356 digits.
Have a look at my  Web Cam of Parliament House Ottawa, CANADA



Woohoo, well done Dingo, and first one for the team  :congrats01

 AA 24 - 53 participant


 :congrats Well done Dingo. Thanks for letting me join - am late to the party :( Have just attached 4 computers to PrimeGrid with a couple more to set up ... what is the plan for March/April 2023 challenges?
The further back you look, the further forward you can see.

COMING SOON!! (2024)
136 intel cores (no H/T), 212 AMD/ryzen cores 8 RTX GPU's, 10 Tesla GPUs and 1.5TB RAM

Home cooked twin primes using python ... it started out with 256 digits of pi and eulers number ... and has ended with
(6*(3358638*(5^6137)+177))-1 ,4297 digits, is prime
(6*(3358638*(5^6137)+177))+1 ,4297 digits, is prime


There are always challenges going on Worl Community Grid that I enter theTeam in.

I enter the Team in all the BOINCStats and Primegrid challenges and post in the "Challenges" thread.

Radioactive@home graph
Have a look at the BOINC@AUSTRALIA Facebook Page and join and also the Twitter Page.

Proud Founder and member of BOINC@AUSTRALIA

My Luck Prime 1,056,356 digits.
Have a look at my  Web Cam of Parliament House Ottawa, CANADA


Yay I guess ... baby steps. :AUS: Plugged in another box tonight after some maintenance.

Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique Arithmetic Progression of primes of length 20. This computer is assigned to the AP27 project. Since primes found in this subproject are not large enough to report to the Top 5000 Primes List, your AP20 sequence is visible immediately.

Workunit 891098636 : 333798400022364397+288975946*23#*n for n=0..19

The further back you look, the further forward you can see.

COMING SOON!! (2024)
136 intel cores (no H/T), 212 AMD/ryzen cores 8 RTX GPU's, 10 Tesla GPUs and 1.5TB RAM

Home cooked twin primes using python ... it started out with 256 digits of pi and eulers number ... and has ended with
(6*(3358638*(5^6137)+177))-1 ,4297 digits, is prime
(6*(3358638*(5^6137)+177))+1 ,4297 digits, is prime


 :congrats01  ryzenmulti on the AP 27.

Radioactive@home graph
Have a look at the BOINC@AUSTRALIA Facebook Page and join and also the Twitter Page.

Proud Founder and member of BOINC@AUSTRALIA

My Luck Prime 1,056,356 digits.
Have a look at my  Web Cam of Parliament House Ottawa, CANADA


Thanks Dingo. Not being allocated firsts tasks very much. Fun fact: the biggest documented prime number is 24 million digits!! It would take me 165 days non-stop without sleep to write it down on a piece of paper 117km long. Just numbers hey.
The further back you look, the further forward you can see.

COMING SOON!! (2024)
136 intel cores (no H/T), 212 AMD/ryzen cores 8 RTX GPU's, 10 Tesla GPUs and 1.5TB RAM

Home cooked twin primes using python ... it started out with 256 digits of pi and eulers number ... and has ended with
(6*(3358638*(5^6137)+177))-1 ,4297 digits, is prime
(6*(3358638*(5^6137)+177))+1 ,4297 digits, is prime


Found two primes...

Dear AP finder,

Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique Arithmetic Progression of primes of length 20. This computer is assigned to the AP27 project. Since primes found in this subproject are not large enough to report to the Top 5000 Primes List, your AP20 sequence is visible immediately.

Workunit 925961471 : 563921722956452569+103221509*23#*n for n=0..19

Dear AP finder,

Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique Arithmetic Progression of primes of length 22. This computer is assigned to the AP27 project. Since primes found in this subproject are not large enough to report to the Top 5000 Primes List, your AP22 sequence is visible immediately.

Workunit 925972951 : 355938018416495353+247778648*23#*n for n=0..21

PC1: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X @3.4GHz, 128GB DDR4, 2 x RTX3070, Linux Mint 21.3 64-bit
PC2: Loading...


 :congrats01 jave808 finding Primes is always good .  :party:

Radioactive@home graph
Have a look at the BOINC@AUSTRALIA Facebook Page and join and also the Twitter Page.

Proud Founder and member of BOINC@AUSTRALIA

My Luck Prime 1,056,356 digits.
Have a look at my  Web Cam of Parliament House Ottawa, CANADA