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Typical ...

Started by veebee, December 07, 2009, 07:44:35 AM

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...  juuuust typical !

finally find a project that runs smoothly with my GPU cards overclocked.. so I go away for a cpl days thinking all will be fine...  HAH !

come home to find both machines not doing much of anything, and 116 completed wu's waiting to be sent back - only to find Collatz's server is pooped out.

(and I had suspended GPU grid in a greedy attempt to do lotsa Collatz - wont do that again..)


Well the project admin is back from a weekend of deer hunting and the forum is working again. He is currently clearing the backlog, but this will take a while before everything catches up and uploads of completed tasks and downloads of new work are flowing smoothly again.

Looking on the positive side I have over 200 tasks currently in pending and a few of those should be converted to credit shortly. :)

Edit: Oops spoke too soon, forum is down again then back up. Not to worry, I'm sure he'll attend to things when he wakes up tonight. Well he'll possibly be waking up in yesterday for most of us, ah the wonder of time zones, sometimes it seems more like the Twilight Zone.

<rod_serling_voice>"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead — your next stop, the Twilight Zone."

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas; you've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone."</rod_serling_voice>


Good news folks collatz is back up and issuing work  :mwalk: well at least for the moment at least

No more crappy unstable milky to deal with at least for the moment :pcwhack:


Yes, it is back up, but...... BUT it isn't recognising my nVidia card, and that is the one that has generated all but one wu's points. AND I am not alone in that respect either, I feel.

But then the mind thinks back to the first time I connected and I got the cpu wu first, and then went back and changed the settings to just get gpu wus, so have done that and shall wait and see what happens, cause no way am I making TheGnat regurgitate a GPUGrid wu currently in process to get collatz wus

EDIT: just saw what was given for the one and only cpu wu I have done to date........ Good Grief, collatz..... couldn't you have been a bit more generous?? (it paid in line with what a gpu wu would have done *Sigh*......... approx 750 crs for approx 13 hrs cpu time... okay so that's approx 57 cr/hr.... but sheeeeeesh.)


Quote from: Furlozza on December 07, 2009, 05:48:47 PM
Yes, it is back up, but...... BUT it isn't recognising my nVidia card, and that is the one that has generated all but one wu's points. AND I am not alone in that respect either, I feel.

HMMMMM Furlozza you had me racing to check whether it has recognised my nvidia cards ...was worried for no reason and all is good  :rofl:


Quote from: Furlozza on December 07, 2009, 05:48:47 PM
Yes, it is back up, but...... BUT it isn't recognising my nVidia card, and that is the one that has generated all but one wu's points. AND I am not alone in that respect either, I feel.

But then the mind thinks back to the first time I connected and I got the cpu wu first, and then went back and changed the settings to just get gpu wus, so have done that and shall wait and see what happens, cause no way am I making TheGnat regurgitate a GPUGrid wu currently in process to get collatz wus....

Your GTS 250 is being recognised by BOINC, it is possibly just not downloading Collatz GPU work on that particular request. The new GPU aware BOINC versions are weird, even if you have changed your project preferences to not process CPU tasks, BOINC will still make a request for CPU tasks as part of the work fetch cycle. It will not be assigned any because it is asking for zero CPU tasks. At that time it may sometimes report something incorrect such as:
Requesting new tasks for CPU
Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
Message from server: No work sent
Message from server: Your computer has no NVIDIA GPU
Message from server: ATI Catalyst 9.2+ needed to use GPU

I think this is sometimes also what is reported when there is no work available on the server to be sent.
It may ask for GPU tasks on the next request or perhaps both CPU and GPU tasks. The work fetch cycle can differ for different projects. It usually asks for only CPU tasks on the first request so you don't get any GPU tasks until a later request. Because the Collatz back off time for requesting work is 5 minutes it can take a while before you actually get allocated any GPU tasks.

Another thing that can muck up Collatz work fetch is the "To completion" time can initially be high and you may need to set your cache to a very high value of many days in order to force BOINC to download Collatz GPU work. You have to set your other projects to "No new tasks" while you are downloading a decent sized batch of Collatz WUs though. Otherwise you will end up with a massive cache of tasks for your other projects you are running on the CPU.

The "To completion" time will gradually go down as you complete more Collatz tasks on the GPU and work fetch will become more consistent if the server is not overloaded or crashed when Slicker is away on a weekend hunting trip.

I normally do not like to have a large cache with any project, but if you want to keep on crunching Collatz with less downtime it is sometimes worthwhile to increase your Collatz cache to a higher level than usual before the weekend.

You possibly already know a lot of this by now, but sometimes when you are relatively new to a project it can take a while to work out what is going on. Last week in error I set my  "Maximum upload rate" to 0.20 K/Bytes instead of setting my "Additional work buffer" to 0.20 days (it's the box above in BOINC Manager preferences) and was flummoxed for hours by why I couldn't upload any completed tasks. :)


Kashi... that's just what happened with theGnat............ downloaded another CPU wu and within three requests had another two GPU wus so am hoping all is well there. xtermiGnator had  no such problems.... as soon as I joined him to Collatz, he'd downloaded a GPU wu and now has 60+ sitting there for both to do.

interesting the time diffs.... TheGnat....36+ minutes whereas xtermiGnator takes 27 mins +.

Oh, and found the reason for the "poor" cpu return: credit is based on a PIII 800MHz CPU receiving 100 crs per hmmmmm either hour or day. As we all know, a GTX 285 or GTS 250 or ATI 4000 or 5000 series card is definitely NO cpu and an I7 leaves a PIII in its ether.


WELL it's Xmas and you guessed it it would seem Collatz is down  :hbang: surprise surprise  :furious: Just hope i got enuf to last


Its back up again !!! whoot ! :dance2: