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Project Overview

Started by Dingo, October 09, 2010, 05:08:35 PM

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Project Summary

distributedDataMining (dDM) is the name of a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to perform research in the various fields of Data Analysis and Machine Learning. The project uses the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC)  for the distribution of research related tasks to several computers. The intent of BOINC is to enable researchers to tap into the enormous processing power of personal computers around the world. If you are willing to support our research challenges please participate  in the dDM-Project. During the last week, 335 project members spent 47,676 hours computational power on their 598 computers. We - the members of the scientific board - would like to thank all project members for their generous support of our research.

All dDM applications use the open source framework RapidMiner. This data mining suite provides various machine learning methods for data analysis purposes. The RapidMinder uses a comfortable plug-in mechanism to easily add new developed algorithms. This flexibility and the processing power of BOINC is an ideal foundation for scientific distributed Data Mining. The dDM project takes that opportunity and serves as a metaproject for different kind of machine learning applications. Below, you find an overview of our subprojects and the related scientific publications.


I could not find the Applications page but I believe that these work ??

Linux 64 Bit   

The applications also need  Java 1.6. Please download and install Java as well.


The projects Home Page is located at:  (Accounts are in the Community Tab)

To attach use

DISTRIBUTEDDATAMINING is listed as a project in BOINC and the various BOINC Account Managers for direct connection.
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