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Feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board, within reason as children may read the board.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 4,810
Topics: 347

Last post: October 08, 2024, 10:42:57 AM Re: Humor by Cruncher Pete

News items from the net about hardware, software, and technology in general.

Posts: 797
Topics: 298

Last post: September 05, 2024, 10:05:20 AM Re: Battery powered weld... by Dark Angel

A word game which is fun and quick.  Please read the Rules before posting.

Its a simple game where you say a word which is somehow related to the last word. It can be literally related (cow - udder), or unliterally (udder - rudder).
An example would be cow -> udder -> rudder -> steering -> wheel. They are fun and quick. If you get a chance you just post a word.

Posts: 10,649
Topics: 2

Last post: Yesterday at 07:48:05 PM Re: Word Link 2 by jave808

Active BOINC projects

Current goal of the project is to find all amicable pairs with smallest member < 264.
All new findings are published regularly on the Amicable pairs list page.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 18
Topics: 2

Last post: March 28, 2024, 12:06:48 AM Re: Project Update by Dingo

Asteroids@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in Asteroids@home. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 38
Topics: 6

Last post: September 14, 2024, 05:31:01 PM Interesting site. by Dingo

An Earth and Environment Science Project set up to produce predictions of the Earth's Climate up to 2080.

Posts: 56
Topics: 9

Last post: September 19, 2024, 01:03:01 PM Re: Project Update by Dingo

An Astrology/Physics project that is searching for the model that best describes our Universe, to find the range of models that agree with the available astronomical and particle physics data.

Posts: 23
Topics: 4

Last post: June 03, 2023, 07:36:51 AM Re: Account Key" for Cos... by Mike Mitchell

DENIS (Distributed computing. Electrophysiological models. Networking collaboration. In silico research. Sharing knowledge) is a research project that uses volunteers to do research in cardiac electrophysiology.
You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.
DENIS is based at San Jorge University in Zaragoza, Spain.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 18
Topics: 2

Last post: July 30, 2024, 12:35:05 PM Re: DENIS@Home Update by Dingo

An Astronomy/Physics project that searches for spinning neutron stars, known as pulsars.

Posts: 154
Topics: 21

Last post: December 01, 2023, 08:35:06 AM Re: Project Update by Abruraspingi

An unclassified project in  development since 2007.

Posts: 23
Topics: 6

Last post: October 06, 2024, 12:36:02 AM Re: Project News - Geras... by Dingo

A Biology and Medicine project performing biomolecular simulations using the infrastructure of Playstation3 and NVIDIA graphics card.

Posts: 325
Topics: 25

Last post: May 03, 2024, 12:16:15 AM Re: Project News - GPUGr... by Dingo

The iThena.Measurements subproject has applications: CNODE (Application performs a sequence of traceroute procedures from client computers. The resulting data is sent back to the server and submitted to the main database, where it can be further analyzed); PERF (Application performs network analyses on network bandwidth tests); OONI Probe (OONI Probe application wrapper).

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 24
Topics: 4

Last post: January 30, 2023, 03:04:31 PM Re: Project Update by Dingo

Work intermittent.  Physics project to help physicists develop and exploit particle accelerators.

Posts: 54
Topics: 3

Last post: October 02, 2024, 02:17:13 PM Re: Project News - LHC@H... by Dingo

LODA is an assembly language, a computational model, and a distributed tool for mining programs. You can use it to generate and search programs that compute integer sequences from the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (OEIS®). The goal of the project is to find new formulas and more efficient algorithms for a wide range of non-trivial integer sequences.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 17
Topics: 4

Last post: August 16, 2024, 12:24:44 PM Re: Project Updates by Dingo

Milkyway@Home uses the BOINC platform to harness volunteered computing resources, creating a highly accurate three dimensional model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This project enables research in both astroinformatics and computer science.

In computer science, the project is investigating different optimization methods which are resilient to the fault-prone, heterogeneous and asynchronous nature of Internet computing; such as evolutionary and genetic algorithms, as well as asynchronous newton methods. While in astroinformatics, Milkyway@Home is generating highly accurate three dimensional models of the Sagittarius stream, which provides knowledge about how the Milky Way galaxy was formed and how tidal tails are created when galaxies merge.

Milkyway@Home is a joint effort between Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's departments of Computer Science and Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy. Feel free to contact us via our forums, or email astro[at]cs.lists.rpi[dot]edu.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 302
Topics: 21

Last post: April 23, 2024, 08:31:02 PM Re: Computer error by Dingo

Minecraft@Home is a research project to locate seeds, features, the unknown, and the unseen in the block game, Minecraft. Minecraft is currently the best-selling video game of all time. Although we have no affiliation with Microsoft, Mojang, or the development of Minecraft itself; this project was born out of necessity. Many members of the community have the desire to push the game, which keeps on giving, to its limits. The listing of Minecraft@Home allows users to join the project more efficiently. Volunteer compute resources are essential to the success of our research, as some elements require high volumes of computing power in order to retrieve results.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 11
Topics: 4

Last post: September 13, 2024, 11:00:18 PM Re: Project Update by tazzduke

Moo! Wrapper brings together BOINC volunteer computing network resources and the projects. It allows BOINC Client to participate in the RC5-72 challenge.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 17
Topics: 3

Last post: November 03, 2019, 03:22:01 AM Re: Best set up for Moow... by chooka03

NFS@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large integers. As a young school student, you gained your first experience at breaking an integer into prime factors, such as 15 = 3 * 5 or 35 = 5 * 7. NFS@Home is a continuation of that experience, only with integers that are hundreds of digits long. Most recent large factorizations have been done primarily by large clusters at universities. With NFS@Home you can participate in state-of-the-art factorizations simply by downloading and running a free program on your computer.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 10
Topics: 3

Last post: May 21, 2024, 03:39:22 PM Re: Project Update by Dingo

NumberFields@home searches for fields with special properties. The primary application of this research is in the realm of algebraic number theory. Number theorists can mine the data for interesting patterns to help them formulate conjectures about number fields. Ultimately, this research will lead to a deeper understanding of the profound properties of numbers, the basic building blocks of all mathematics.

NumberFields@home is based at the school of mathematics at Arizona State University. The final results of this project will be complete tables of number fields. The results are given in table form or as a searchable database.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 62
Topics: 5

Last post: May 05, 2024, 06:17:36 PM Re: Project Updates by chooka03

In the project, a database of canonical forms (CR) of diagonal Latin squares (DLK) of the 10th order having orthogonal diagonal Latin squares (ODLC) is compiled.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 3
Topics: 2

Last post: May 19, 2024, 04:05:17 PM Re: Project Update by Dingo

The project generates a database of canonical forms (CF) of diagonal Latin squares (DLS) of order 10 having orthogonal diagonal Latin squares (ODLS).

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 5
Topics: 2

Last post: October 01, 2024, 12:51:11 AM Re: Project Update by Dingo

A mathematical project with an aim to find Prime Numbers.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 579
Topics: 29

Last post: September 16, 2024, 05:13:07 PM Re: Prime Numbers by Dingo

This is a PRIVATE SERVER to coordinate distribution of some mathematical work on GFN. The server is open for everybody, but some Boinc experience is recommended because... No help, no support, no forum, no badges. See PrimeGrid GFN forum for description, instructions and invitation code.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 2
Topics: 2

Last post: November 08, 2022, 06:15:26 PM Project Update by Dingo

is a Polish science project using the distributed computing capabilities of the BOINC platform. The main goal of the project is to create a free and continuously updated map of radiation levels available for everyone, by gathering information about gamma radiation using sensors connected to the computers of volunteers willing to participate in the project

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 132
Topics: 9

Last post: December 07, 2021, 11:49:50 PM Re: Radioactive@ home de... by Dingo

RakeSearch is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to search for orthogonal diagonal Latin squares

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 24
Topics: 2

Last post: May 18, 2024, 02:46:55 PM Re: Project Update by Dingo

A Miscellaneous project that is  the official alpha test project for Rosetta@home.

Posts: 7
Topics: 3

Last post: March 30, 2020, 02:21:52 AM Re: Project News by Dataman

The Ramanujan Machine is a novel way to do mathematics by harnessing your computer power to make new discoveries. The Ramanujan Machine already discovered dozens of new conjectures.

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: November 07, 2021, 08:38:59 PM Project Overview by Dingo

A Biology and Medicine project to determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins in research that may ultimately lead to finding cure to some major diseases.

Posts: 47
Topics: 9

Last post: April 28, 2024, 09:17:46 PM Re: How to increase VM c... by tazzduke

In our project, we are looking for ligands – small molecules that can successfully bind to protein targets and modulate a specific process that is crucial for the virus biochemistry. Together we have developed software that can be easily installed on your computer to help participants help find the cure for today's invisible enemy. Based on molecular docking, the ideal ligand should be complementary in shape and properties to the binding site of the target biomolecule. However, the complementarity of small molecules is only one prerequisite for the use of a molecule as a drug.

The search for the right molecule is best illustrated by finding a small needle in a huge haystack. It is a much more difficult problem because of the number of possible molecular structures. The amount of all possible molecular structures is also called the chemical universe – the size of this abstract space can be estimated to be 10 to the power of 80. There are many galaxies in this chemical universe, and one of the galaxies is a galaxy with potentially pharmacologically active molecules. The method for this purpose is called virtual screening. In principle, the larger the part of the chemical universe that we study, the higher the likelihood of finding a potential cure for the coronavirus.

You can help with your computer. With the help of BOINC, you will download a subset of compounds on your computer, examine the compounds in the context of the studied target and send the results to a server where they are collected for later analysis.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 7
Topics: 4

Last post: July 12, 2024, 12:54:30 AM Re: Project Update by Dingo

SRBase is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers trying to solve Sierpinski / Riesel Bases up to 1030. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.
The project is in collaboration with the Mersenne CRUS project.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 22
Topics: 2

Last post: July 12, 2024, 12:56:01 AM Re: Project Update by Dingo

The Symmetric Prime Tuples (SPT) project is an continue of the T. Brada Experimental Grid project The results of this project are available in the "Prime Tuple Database" The main definitions on the topic of the project can be found on the page "Problem 62. Symmetric k-tuples of consecutive primes" One branch of the project also works in Gerasim@Home, Application "Get Symmetrical Tuples" This Application uses a different algorithm to find only odd length tuples.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 3
Topics: 2

Last post: July 17, 2024, 12:52:27 PM Re: Project update by Dingo

TN-Grid is based at the Research Area of Trento of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and currently hosted by the University of Trento (UNITN). The first project we host is

gene@home, in collaboration with Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM) and the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) of UNITN.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 14
Topics: 4

Last post: February 14, 2024, 12:46:41 AM Re: Project Updates by Dingo

Universe@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in physics and astronomy. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.
Universe@Home is based at University of Warsaw

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 85
Topics: 3

Last post: July 19, 2024, 06:54:03 PM Re: Project Update by Abruraspingi

WEP-M+2 (Wanless)
A Mathematical project set up to do research in number theory.

Posts: 7
Topics: 2

Last post: January 14, 2024, 11:01:06 PM Re: Project News - WEP-M... by Dingo

A Multi-application project to further research on humanities most pressing problems including HIV/AIDS, cancer, and many more.

Posts: 515
Topics: 23

Last post: August 25, 2024, 08:26:03 AM Re: Long MCM Work Units by Abruraspingi

WUProp@home is a non-intensive project that uses Internet-connected computers to collect workunits properties of BOINC projects such as computation time, memory requirements, checkpointing interval or report limit. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 12
Topics: 2

Last post: January 16, 2023, 06:30:24 AM Re: WUProp@home - Result... by Dark Angel

YAFU is an alpha project, the main goal is to test the latest BOINC server code for bugs. Please report any error which you find in the webpages in the project forum.
In parallel to this the project factorizes numbers of 80-110 digit length which need to be factored in the factordb.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 44
Topics: 3

Last post: September 21, 2024, 12:03:57 AM Re: Project Updates by Dingo

A multi-application projct bringing existing distributed computing projects to the BOINC world.

Posts: 41
Topics: 5

Last post: January 09, 2021, 01:49:44 PM Re: Project News - Yoyo@... by Dingo

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

Non BOINC Projects

A Biology project whose goal is to understand protein folding, misfolding, and related diseases.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 154
Topics: 9

Last post: March 25, 2024, 03:08:28 PM Re: Project Update by Dingo

GIMPS - Mersenne
GIMPS is a victim of its own success! In 2008, after claiming the EFF award for discovery of the first 10 million digit prime, GIMPS had about $25,000 cash on hand to fund the server hardware, ISP fees, and $3000 awards for discovery of new Mersenne primes. Due to the unexpected, but welcome, discovery of 6 new Mersenne primes since 2008, GIMPS now has enough cash to fund just two years of ISP fees (much less if a new Mersenne prime is discovered).

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 5
Topics: 2

Last post: March 25, 2024, 03:11:21 PM Re: Project Updates by Dingo

A Miscellaneous project working towards creation of a World Wide Web search engine.

Posts: 17
Topics: 2

Last post: September 16, 2019, 04:27:24 PM Re: Movers and Shaker by Dingo

Quarantine@Home is a project that lets you donate your spare computer power to finding drugs to target the coronavirus! We leverage the power of the Autodock suite of tools to perform small molecule screening against viral proteins. Possible drugs are sourced from the Zinc Database hosted at the University of California San Francisco.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 5
Topics: 2

Last post: July 15, 2020, 04:35:16 PM Re: Project Update by Mike Mitchell

Retired BOINC Projects

Project Retired.

Posts: 7
Topics: 1

Last post: January 31, 2009, 06:58:29 PM Re: Taking Over 3x???? by Mike Mitchell

 A Mathematical project enabling a search for so called abc-triples.

Posts: 6
Topics: 3

Last post: January 08, 2011, 12:04:52 AM Re: I need an ABC Sysadm... by Dingo

The test project for ABC@Home has come out of retirement.

Posts: 5
Topics: 2

Last post: June 18, 2009, 06:38:54 PM Re: Project News - ABC@h... by Vajras

ABC Lattices @HOME is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers for searching for good abc-triples. Unlike ABC@Home, this project is not aiming for a thorough search of a certain range of numbers. Instead, we are trying to find good triples with the help of a specialized algorithm and educated guesses in areas beyond 2^100. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: May 11, 2013, 12:43:57 PM Project Overview by Dingo

Acoustics@home is a BOINC-based volunteer computing project aimed at solving inverse problems in underwater acoustics. You can contribute to our research by running a free program on your computer.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 16
Topics: 3

Last post: December 07, 2018, 01:07:16 PM Re: Project Update by Dingo


Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 17
Topics: 3

Last post: March 01, 2019, 01:00:55 AM Re: Test Team email from... by Dataman

A Miscellaneous project that aims to perform specific research on how a heterogeneous Grid interconnect and use non-central computer resources for medical and scientific research.

Posts: 4
Topics: 3

Last post: October 23, 2009, 02:15:03 AM Re: Large downloads by Dingo

Inactive Project since Oct 2007.

Posts: 3
Topics: 2

Last post: August 05, 2009, 10:04:44 AM Re: Project News - APS@H... by veebee

A Cognitive Science Project whose goal is to predict the performance of superconducting adiabatic quantum computers.

Posts: 117
Topics: 9

Last post: July 16, 2011, 11:37:39 PM Re: Credit rollback by BF

Project Shutdown 8th June 2009

Posts: 2
Topics: 2

Last post: June 09, 2009, 02:24:59 AM Project News - Shutdown ... by BF

ATLAS is a particle physics experiment taking place at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, that searches for new particles and processes using head-on collisions of protons of extraordinary high energy. Petabytes of data were recorded, processed and analyzed during the first three years of data taking, leading to up to 300 publications covering all the aspects of the Standard Model of particle physics, including the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 6
Topics: 2

Last post: April 11, 2017, 01:00:42 AM Re: Project Update by Dataman

Closed project for New Members.

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: August 02, 2009, 06:57:06 AM The BBC CCE project is b... by Dingo

Project Retired.

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

Bitcoin Utopia is a commercial platform for crowd-donations that uses Internet-connected computers to mine cryptocurrencies for incentive awards and science projects. The other purpose of mining is to secure cryptocurrency transactions against reversal. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. The BU fee, since 16th of October 2015, is 0% for all the new campaigns. For Campaign #7 the BU fee is 100%.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 606
Topics: 3

Last post: June 15, 2017, 02:26:05 PM Re: Project Update by JugNut

"The Glass-forming Ability and Packing
Efficiency of Ternary Hard Sphere
Mixtures as Model Bulk Metallic Glasses"

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: April 05, 2016, 07:16:20 AM Project Overview by Dingo

A Miscellaneous project used by BOINC to test new version of their software

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: May 16, 2009, 10:56:49 PM Project Overview by Cruncher Pete

The researchers can use the BOINC@TACC infrastructure to supplement the compute-cycles available to them through their TACC/XSEDE allocations. With BOINC@TACC, they can run small jobs involving small amounts of data transfer and processing without spending their active allocations. For details on using the BOINC@TACC infrastructure, please click here.

The BOINC@TACC software infrastructure leverages the  middleware and extends its capabilities to 1) support the job submissions from supercomputers, 2) use the VMs in the cloud, and 3) automatically create Docker images of the source-code written in selected languages. The BOINC@TACC software is available through a Github repository.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 18
Topics: 2

Last post: September 21, 2020, 12:06:45 AM Re: BOINC@TACC by Dataman

Brainstorm@home is a research project, based at Pompeu Fabra University, that uses Internet-connected computers to investigate the molecular basis of brain-related diseases. You can contribute to our research by running a free program on your computer.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: February 05, 2019, 03:39:57 PM Project Overview by Dingo

Closed project for New Members.

Posts: 6
Topics: 2

Last post: June 22, 2009, 12:15:57 AM Re: Project News - BRaTS... by BF

A Miscellaneous project that  aims to develop a publicly distributed system for rendering 3D animations. Closed to New Members.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 7
Topics: 2

Last post: March 14, 2022, 01:29:32 AM Re: Project Update by Dataman

The objective of CAS@home is to encourage and assist scientists in China to adopt the technologies of volunteer computing and volunteer thinking for their research. The project has three parts:

    Organizing hands-on volunteer computing workshops for researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences as well as other scientific institutions in China.
    Launching pilot applications to exploit volunteer computing and volunteer thinking by scientists in China.
    Creating a website with essential information about volunteer computing for Chinese scientists, which is this site.

The project is led by researchers at the Computer Centre of the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

The project was officially launched in January 2010, with the support of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. A BOINC server was established at IHEP during the first quarter of 2010. A CAS@home master class with two international experts and over 20 participants was held at IHEP on 9 March 2010. In June, tests began of a volunteer computing project that will distribute Short-Cut Threading, an application about protein structure prediction developed by researchers at the Institute of Computing Technology, CAS. In July and August, researchers from IHEP and the international particle physics laboratory, CERN, will collaborate on developing a new volunteer computing application for simulating particle collisions at IHEP's particle accelerator, BEPC.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: October 07, 2011, 03:38:54 PM Project Overview by Dingo

Inactive Project. A Biology and Medicine Project set up to do research in cell adhesion.  One of the many applications of this is cancer research.

Posts: 29
Topics: 2

Last post: April 08, 2009, 10:38:50 AM Re: Cels@Home 2 is still... by WikiWill

Project Retired

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

This is a project that utilizes the CERN-developed CernVM virtual machine and the BOINC virtualization layer to harness volunteer cloud computing power for full-fledged LHC event physics simulation on volunteer computers.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: August 25, 2015, 01:22:19 PM Project Overview by Dingo

Closed project for New Members.

Posts: 3
Topics: 1

Last post: February 03, 2009, 05:41:32 PM Re: Project Overview by yoda

The University of North Dakota Citizen Science Grid is run by Travis Desell, an Assistant Professor in UND's Computer Science Department. It is hosted by UND's Computational Research Center and Information Technology Systems and Services. The CSG is dedicated to supporting a wide range of research and educational projects using volunteer computing and citizen science, which you can read about and visit below.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 23
Topics: 3

Last post: March 14, 2022, 01:28:21 AM Re: Only getting Wildlif... by Dataman

The initiative, called Climate@Home, is unprecedented in scope. Never before has NASA attempted to recruit so many people to help perform research vital to forecasting the Earth's climate in the 21st century under a wide range of different situations.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 8
Topics: 2

Last post: May 18, 2017, 12:54:37 PM Re: Project Update by kashi

The Test Project for CPDN.  You can help to test new applications here before they are released to the main project.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 4
Topics: 3

Last post: June 25, 2009, 08:05:04 AM Re: Project Overview by veebee

Collatz Conjecture continues the work of the previous 3x+1@home BOINC project which ended in 2008.

Posts: 100
Topics: 13

Last post: June 13, 2022, 05:38:10 PM Re: Project Updates by chooka03

Constellation Details
Constellation is a platform for all kind of aerospace related simulation. Currently we are working on ...

    * TrackJack: trajectory optimization of launchers, satellites and probes (subtask for DGLR-Group HyEnD - Hybrid Engine Development)
    * On The Moon: simulation of Moon's near-surface exosphere
    * Extreme Machine: analysis of dynamic systems of exploration-rovers

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 11
Topics: 3

Last post: October 11, 2014, 03:04:44 PM Re: Constellation Still ... by Mike Mitchell

CONVECTOR is a research testing project, which use volunteer computing. Now we calculate optimum of discrete optimization problem, at first the optimum of 10-bar truss is searched for. Note that we need approx 8500 cores/days (one core count is 23 years). You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.
CONVECTOR project is the first attempt to volunteer counting on department of mechanics, CTU Prague.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 10
Topics: 2

Last post: August 09, 2013, 10:48:06 AM Re: Project Update by kashi

The sequential organization of genomes, i.e. the relations between distant base pairs and regions within sequences, and its connection to the three-dimensional organization of genomes is still a largely unresolved problem. Long-range power-law correlations were found using correlation analysis on almost the entire observable scale of 132 completely sequenced chromosomes of 0.5 x 106 to 3.0 x 107 bp from Archaea, Bacteria, Arabidopsis thaliana, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Drosophila melanogaster, and Homo sapiens. The local correlation coefficients show a species-specific multi-scaling behaviour: close to random correlations on the scale of a few base pairs, a first maximum from 40 to 3,400 bp (for Arabidopsis thaliana and Drosophila melanogaster divided in two submaxima), and often a region of one or more second maxima from 105 to 3 x 105 bp. Within this multi-scaling behaviour, an additional fine-structure is present and attributable to codon usage in all except the human sequences, where it is related to nucleosomal binding. Computer-generated random sequences assuming a block organization of genomes, the codon usage, and nucleosomal binding explain these results. Mutation by sequence reshuffling destroyed all correlations. Thus, the stability of correlations seems to be evolutionarily tightly controlled and connected to the spatial genome organization, especially on large scales. In summary, genomes show a complex sequential organization related closely to their three-dimensional organization.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 9
Topics: 2

Last post: August 13, 2011, 08:17:36 PM Re: I'm in, Linux 64 fas... by kashi

DBN Upper Bound is a Polymath project related to the theory of the Riemann zeta function, based at this Polymath wiki. For the background, theory and discussion on results, please head to the proposal and subsequent threads on Prof. Tao's blog. The computational part of the research is being hosted at this github project.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 17
Topics: 2

Last post: September 29, 2018, 06:18:24 AM Re: DBN UPPER BOUND by chooka03

Project Retired.

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

distributedDataMining (dDM) is the name of a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to perform research in the various fields of Data Analysis and Machine Learning. The project uses the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC)  for the distribution of research related tasks to several computers. The intent of BOINC is to enable researchers to tap into the enormous processing power of personal computers around the world. If you are willing to support our research challenges please participate  in the dDM-Project. During the last week, 335 project members spent 47,676 hours computational power on their 598 computers. We - the members of the scientific board - would like to thank all project members for their generous support of our research.

All dDM applications use the open source framework RapidMiner. This data mining suite provides various machine learning methods for data analysis purposes. The RapidMinder uses a comfortable plug-in mechanism to easily add new developed algorithms. This flexibility and the processing power of BOINC is an ideal foundation for scientific distributed Data Mining. The dDM project takes that opportunity and serves as a metaproject for different kind of machine learning applications. Below, you find an overview of our subprojects and the related scientific publications.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 4
Topics: 3

Last post: April 20, 2018, 10:34:02 AM Project Update by Daniel

DHEP allows you to host an island running a Genetic Algorithm in a coevolutionary setting synthesising future super-reliable electronics such as those used in autonomous vehicles, power stations, medical equipment, aerospace. These are of increasingly paramount importance as more and more human lives rely on well functioning hardware.
Observation of population dynamics will also help us understand Evolution, not only to harness it to reach 'better than human' designs, but also to learn how migration rates, genetic diversity and the inner mechanisms of genetic recombination have concerted to reach the biodiversity and wonder of living organisms today.

DHEP is based at the University of Sussex.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 50
Topics: 2

Last post: August 31, 2019, 11:39:29 PM Re: Project Update by JugNut

A Miscellaneous project back online after a long absence. The goal of is to prove the insecurity of using simple hash routines to protect valuable passwords, and force developers to use more secure methods.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 43
Topics: 3

Last post: February 08, 2013, 08:55:14 AM Re: Team Milestone by Dingo

DNETC@Home is a wrapper between BOINC and

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 47
Topics: 5

Last post: October 31, 2011, 11:17:44 AM Re: DNETC returns by veebee

A Biology and Medicine project that aims to perform scientific calculations that aid in the creation of new and improved medicines.

Posts: 59
Topics: 9

Last post: April 10, 2014, 09:12:02 AM Docking@Home is ending by Sean

A Biology and Medicine Project that Designs and Tests prospective drug-like compounds for regulation of signaling pathways involved in tissue engineeering and cancer.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 83
Topics: 5

Last post: April 14, 2019, 11:56:03 AM Re: Project Update by Dingo

Sourcefinder is about testing the performance and quality of the Duchamp Sourcefinding application. We've built a simulated cube of the sky containing various radio sources, and it's the job of Duchamp to work out where the sources are. We plan on running Duchamp over the whole cube of simulated data to work how many of the radio sources in the cube it can find. Duchamp will need to be able to identify correct sources while keeping false positives to a minimum.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 3
Topics: 2

Last post: May 10, 2018, 07:47:32 AM Re: Project Update by shift

The aim of the EDGeS@Home project is to support the execution of selected and validated scientific applications developed by the EGEE and EDGeS community.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 5
Topics: 2

Last post: May 28, 2012, 09:26:47 AM Re: Internal Server erro... by Jim

A Mathematical project used to break three original Enigma messages with the help of distributed computing

Posts: 18
Topics: 5

Last post: March 15, 2022, 07:03:24 PM Re: GPU Application (CUD... by chooka03

A common problem in theoretical chemistry, condensed matter physics and materials science is the calculation of the time evolution of an atomic scale system where, for example, chemical reactions and/or diffusion occur. Generally the events of interest are quite rare (many orders of magnitude slower than the vibrational movements of the atoms), and therefore direct simulations, tracking every movement of the atoms, would take thousands of years of computer calculations on the fastest present day computer before a single event of interest can be expected to occur, hence the name eon, which is an indefinitely long period of time.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 2
Topics: 1

Last post: March 24, 2011, 01:44:57 PM Re: Project Overview by Dingo

Project Retired

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

Evo@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in Machine Learning. This project uses Evolutionary Algorithms to optimize the parameters of different kind of machine learning algorithms.
Currently the project is used to tune the parameters of a learner used for the prediction of the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its sequence of amino acid residues. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.

Evo@home is based at Montefiore. This is the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Liège (Belgium).
More information about our research will be available soon.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 33
Topics: 2

Last post: March 24, 2011, 05:36:38 PM Re: Project News by Mike Mitchell

FiND@Home is a research project that uses donated CPU time to perform docking simulations on malaria proteins. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. .
FiND@Home is based at UCD CASL

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 47
Topics: 3

Last post: February 12, 2015, 06:46:19 AM Re: Project Update by LawryB

A Cognitive Science project based at FreeHAL, an artificial intelligence that uses semantic networks, speech databases, etc in order to imitate a very close human behavior within conversations.

Posts: 126
Topics: 14

Last post: April 10, 2013, 12:46:52 AM Re: Project Update - FRE... by Mike Mitchell

Calculating long-period comet orbits under the simultaneous Galactic and stellar perturbations. (N-body problem with N of the order of 400).

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 15
Topics: 4

Last post: July 17, 2021, 06:17:43 PM Re: never ending tasks a... by shift

A Cognitive Science project that carries out Genetic Algorithms by simulations using software based creatures.

Posts: 29
Topics: 7

Last post: August 08, 2010, 12:42:57 PM Re: Project News - Genet... by Dingo

Project Retired.

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

A Physics/Chemistry Project to enhance clean energy technology by improving hydrogen production and storage.

Posts: 23
Topics: 3

Last post: May 31, 2009, 08:46:40 PM Re: How often is work is... by Mike Mitchell

A Miscellaneous project in multiple studies from Spanish scientists in the fields of physics and medicine.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 17
Topics: 6

Last post: March 14, 2022, 01:33:12 AM Re: New Covid-19 Work un... by Dataman

The aim of the project Ideologias@Home is to study how people in a certain region evolve ideologically over time with respect to an idea. When an idea is introduced in a society, the population is divided naturally into four groups:

    Extremists: those who defend the idea extremely.
    Moderates: those who defend the idea moderately.
    Opponents: those who are against the idea.
    Abstentionists: those who do not care, abstain or have not opinion.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 5
Topics: 2

Last post: June 26, 2011, 11:36:30 AM Re: Project update by Dingo

iGEM@home was initiated by the iGEM Team Heidelberg 2014. The main goal of the project is to create a platform to support iGEM Teams by submitting unused computational capacity.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: September 17, 2014, 03:25:58 PM Project Overview by Dingo

More precisely, it is a sculpture located on the grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia - at the main entrance to New Headquarters Building (NHB) and in the courtyard between NHB and the Original Headquarters Building (OHB) cafeteria - completed by the American artist James Sanborn, on November 3, 1990.

The Kryptos sculpture comprises four large copper plates, a large vertical S-shaped copper screen resembling a scroll of four encrypted messages, three of which (referred to as K1, K2 and K3) have been solved.

As a community, Kryptos@Home's mission is to crack the elusive K4.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: January 19, 2021, 05:20:05 PM Projet Overview by Dingo

A physics project dedicated to general Classical Dynamics for any scientist or student.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 6
Topics: 2

Last post: June 06, 2018, 08:29:27 PM Re: Project News - Leide... by Daniel

A Cognitive Science project focusing on utilizing computational cognitive process modeling to better ubderstand the human mind.

Posts: 6
Topics: 3

Last post: June 15, 2009, 11:54:43 PM Project News - MindModel... by BF

Inactive Project.  A physics project to explore equilibrium,metastable and transient magnetism.

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: May 18, 2009, 11:29:40 AM Project Overview by Cruncher Pete

A Biology and Medicine project to simulate models of the transmission dyamics and health effects of malaria.

Posts: 7
Topics: 4

Last post: September 24, 2015, 09:14:13 PM Re: Project News - Malar... by Daniel

Mersenne@home is a Polish science project in the field of Mathematics, Number Theory, which, thanks to BOINC platform, uses Internet-connected computers to search for Mersenne primes. Mersenne primes are a numbers of the form 2p-1 and, in the current stage of research, counts millions of digits. Therefore, high computing power is needed to verify their primality.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: August 26, 2011, 12:34:45 PM Project Overview by Dingo

MLC@Home's initial project, the Machine Learning Dataset Generator (MLDS), will generate a large dataset of simple networks trained with both clean and adversarial data. To our knowledge, this is the first dataset of its kind. MLC@Home also welcomes project proposals from other researchers aligned with this research area. MLC@Home requests that all data generated by our supported projects be made available to the public, and that, where possible, any papers and analysis be made public as well.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 27
Topics: 3

Last post: October 04, 2022, 10:26:32 AM Re: Project Update by Mick Lindsay

Modeling and simulation are arguably underutilized in both research and teaching. On, you can run over 320 simulation tools in a web browser. Simulation tools appear to run as applets in the browser window, but they are actually powered by a sophisticated cyberinfrastructure and run transparently in a scientific computing cloud that taps into Purdue University and national grid resources. nanoHUB uptime regularly exceeds 99%.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 11
Topics: 2

Last post: September 12, 2019, 11:06:54 PM Re: Project Update by Daniel

Project Retired.

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

NRG is based at Université de Sherbrooke Quebec Canada.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 3
Topics: 2

Last post: November 28, 2015, 06:55:34 PM Re: Project Updates by Daniel

Neurona@Home is a BOINC-based project with the main aim of simulating the behavior of a large assembly of cellular automata neurons connected in a complex network.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: June 20, 2011, 11:23:10 PM Project Overview by Dingo

A Mathematical project utiliized the N Queens problem on a chess board.

Posts: 8
Topics: 3

Last post: November 11, 2009, 04:01:29 PM Re: Offline by AusTerror

pPot Tables
Project Retired

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

The main idea of this project is the analysis of algorithms.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 6
Topics: 2

Last post: February 22, 2013, 12:47:05 PM Re: Project Update by Dingo

OPTIMA@HOME is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to solve challenging large-scale optimization problems. The goal of optimization is to find a minimum (or maximum) for a given function. This topic is perfectly explained in the Internet. See for example excellent explanation by Arnold Newumaier. Many practical problems are reduced to the global optimization problems. At the moment this project runs an application that is aimed at solving molecular conformation problem. This is a very challenging global optimization problem consisting in finding the atomic cluster structure that has the minimal possible potential energy. Such structures plays an important role in understanding the nature of different materials, chemical reactions and other fields. The details about the problem can be found here. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: August 17, 2011, 12:29:21 PM Project Overview by Dingo

An Astronomy project whose mission is to apply distributed computing to the study od solar system dynamics.

Posts: 25
Topics: 5

Last post: March 12, 2011, 06:45:45 AM Re: Project Update. by Dataman

A Miscellaneous project set up to test BOINC, the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 2
Topics: 2

Last post: February 20, 2018, 05:35:03 PM Pirates@Home retired by Cruncher Pete

A Biology and Medicine project modeling protein folding using Anfinsen's dogma.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 157
Topics: 8

Last post: October 08, 2016, 02:54:45 PM Re: POEM Looks to be clo... by Daniel

PRIMABOINCA is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to search for a counterexample to some conjectures.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 3
Topics: 3

Last post: April 27, 2020, 06:45:24 PM Project Update by Daniel

Project Retired.

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

Inactive Project.  A Biology and Medicine project working with structure prediction and protein design.

Posts: 4
Topics: 2

Last post: August 09, 2010, 10:10:41 AM Re: Retired by Mike Mitchell

Project Retired.

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

QuantumFIRE alpha
QuantumFIRE alpha is a research project that invites the public to donate computing power for scientific research in Quantum Foundations, Solid State Physics and Quantum Chemistry.

Posts: 16
Topics: 3

Last post: July 28, 2010, 04:01:25 PM Re: Outages by LawryB

An Earth and Environmental Science project to do research and outreach in seismology.

Posts: 13
Topics: 3

Last post: June 18, 2009, 09:37:54 PM Re: WOW by JohnG

Molecular chemistry is lagging behind in term of open science. Although modelization by quantum mechanics applied to chemistry has become almost mandatory in any major publications, computational raw data is most of the time kept in the labs or destroyed. Furthermore, the softwares used in this domain tend to lack effective quality control and computational details are usually incomplete in the articles. Information may not be reused or reproduced. The first objective of this project is to constitute a large collaborative open platform that will cure and store quantum molecular chemistry results. Original output files will be available to be reused to tackle new chemical studies for different applications. Machine learning and more generally artificial intelligence applied to chemistry data promises to revolutionize the domain in the near future, but these methodes required a lots of data hat this project will be able to provide.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 21
Topics: 3

Last post: April 02, 2022, 01:37:29 AM Re: News From The Projec... by Dataman

A Chemistry project to further develop Quantuum Monte Carlo method for general use in Quntum Chemistry.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 19
Topics: 3

Last post: October 27, 2020, 12:15:08 PM Re: QMC Not Linking To T... by Mike Mitchell

A Mathematical project designed to find lower bounds for various Ramsey Numbers.

Posts: 13
Topics: 2

Last post: August 09, 2009, 03:32:56 PM Re: Project News - Ramse... by BF

A Mathematical project trying to determine the lowest values in rectilinear crossing numbers.

Posts: 9
Topics: 2

Last post: July 31, 2010, 04:40:12 AM Re: Virus Warning!!! by clownius

Project Retired.

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

A Mathematical/Games project whose aim is to figure out who wins in Reversi game.

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: May 23, 2009, 11:34:19 AM Project Overview by Cruncher Pete

Project Retired.

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

RNA World
A biological project. The goal of the RNA World project is to systematically identify all known RNA family members in all organisms known to date.

Posts: 11
Topics: 4

Last post: January 02, 2024, 10:46:55 AM Re: Project News - RNA W... by Dingo

Project Retired.

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

Applications RiojaScience @ home are varied. They can range from the search for intelligent life in space (objective of the project SETI @ home), to research into new drugs, to improve weather forecasting or simulating the behavior of proteins.

The first scientific project that will work RiojaScience @ home belongs to the realm of physics and chemistry. This is a project of the Research Group of Kinetics and Dynamics of Chemical Reactions at the University of La Rioja. Reactions will be studied in gas phase and in solution, namely we will study the molecular dynamics of narlaprevir, a potential drug for the disease of hepatitis C.

Its of University in Rioja, Spain

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: June 21, 2012, 05:00:28 PM Project Overview by Dingo

Rsa Lattice Siever is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to help others factoring project such as mersenneforum or XYYXf  achieve their academic goals. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: October 09, 2010, 04:41:12 PM Project Overview by Dingo

SAT@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to solve hard and practically important problems (discrete functions inversion problems, discrete optimization, bioinformatics, etc) that can be effectively reduced to Boolean satisfiability problem. Currently in the project problems of inversion of some cryptographic functions used in stream ciphers are being solved. All cryptographic algorithms under investigation are publicly available. Corresponding tasks are randomly generated and do not contain any confidential information. In the nearest future we are going to launch an experiment for solving Quadratic Assignment problem within the project. Project was implemented using DC-API library.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: February 15, 2012, 04:21:44 PM Project Overview by Dingo

Project Retired

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

An Astronomy Project.  SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a scientific project whose goal is to detect intelligent life outside Earth.

Posts: 192
Topics: 28

Last post: March 13, 2020, 02:17:00 PM Re: Where to now by lionel.heron

An Astromy project set up as a platform to test future releases of SETI applications.

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: May 20, 2009, 10:20:18 PM Project Overview by Cruncher Pete

A Mathematical project that searches for collisions (weaknesses) of the widely-used SHA-1 function.

Posts: 5
Topics: 4

Last post: May 28, 2009, 10:33:57 AM Project News by Cruncher Pete

A Biology/Medical project that calculates similarities between proteins and provides a public database of the resulting data.

Posts: 61
Topics: 6

Last post: August 27, 2013, 08:56:53 PM Re: Project News by WikiWill

A Physics  project that studies molecular magnets and controlled nanoscale magnetism.

Posts: 16
Topics: 4

Last post: November 23, 2010, 10:35:38 PM Re: Problems by Furlozza

Today we can`t imagine our home and job without computers.
Today we can`t imagine our life without internet and its services like social networks, voice and video services, libraries of pictures etc. That`s all inheritance of eternal question which mankind ask himself everyday - "Why ?". Thirst for knowledge, evolution and progress brought us all this achievenments and many other useful things. Our team also must be at the front line of science life.
And for that we want use our brains for creative tasks and for tediously works great creature - distributed supercomputer which consists from our and your different devices like phones, computers, servers, x-boxes, playstations connected by BOINC platform through the internet.
This supercomputer can reduce time of solving task in thousands times because
together devices can generate huge calculating power. And today we try solve simple mathematical task, but it need much CPU time. With current algorithm it need about 12.000 years of one core at 4Ghz. While we search answers we learn some languages like English, C++, CUDA and OpenCL. Also pumping our brains (looking for NZT), optimize algorithms in our programs and prepearing for solving important tasks for humanity.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: May 01, 2017, 10:06:40 AM Project Overview by Dingo

The Subset Sum problem is described as follows: given a set of positive integers S and a target sum t, is there a subset of S whose sum is t? It is one of the well-know, so-called "hard" problems in computing. It's actually a very simple problem, and the computer program to solve it is not extremely complicated. What's hard about it is the running time – all known exact algorithms have running time that is proportional to an exponential function of the number of elements in the set (for worst-case instances of the problem).

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 5
Topics: 4

Last post: August 15, 2014, 06:58:11 AM Re: SubsetSum@Home now p... by Dingo

Inactive Project.  A Mathematics and Game propject. Sudoku is a  project that uses BOINC to search for the smallest possible start configuration of Sudoku.

Posts: 3
Topics: 1

Last post: June 21, 2011, 04:24:30 PM Re: sudoku by DskRbt

In this project, we develops new techniques and used them to modify the program Checker (written by Gary McGuire). We successfully reduced the total expected computation time from 300,000 years per core to 2,417 years per core. This makes it more feasible and reasonable to use BOINC to solve Sudoku. Some of these new techniques are described in a paper in the IWCG Workshop of TAAI 2010 conference.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 2
Topics: 2

Last post: June 22, 2011, 12:11:58 AM If all your work errors ... by Dingo

A Bioloy and Medicine project that helps geneticists find disease provoking genes causing some types of diabetes, hypertension, cancer and others.

Posts: 2
Topics: 2

Last post: May 22, 2009, 10:02:16 AM Project Overview by Cruncher Pete

The aim of the project is to deploy a large infrastructure to support thousands of probes monitoring the Internet.

Each probe repeatedly performs a pre-defined set of web transactions on web-sites, accessing each site about 4 times per hour.

The proposed approach allows us to obtain important results on end-user visible failures and performance statics, from several thousands view points spread throughout the Internet.

With the help of the volunteer community we will achieve this ambitious goal.

We are welcoming BOINC users who want to participate in our initial monitoring effort.

This is a "non-CPU" intensive project.

Network traffic consumed by each monitoring job depends on the number of transactions under monitoring. Our estimate is that it will initially not use more than 5 MB per job (maximum jobs per hour limit to 4).

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 4
Topics: 1

Last post: October 09, 2011, 12:35:47 AM Re: Project Overview by Mike Mitchell

SZTAKI Desktop Grid
A Miscellaneous project serving academia with computationally intensive tasks in various sciences.

Posts: 4
Topics: 2

Last post: June 28, 2018, 12:17:18 AM Re: Project Update by Mike Mitchell

T.Brada Experimental Grid
I created new program and I want to test a idea that ODLS can be found directly in the output of the generators without first permuting them. This program checks dls about 40 times faster, but not as thoroughly. The same space is checked as batch 10, 12 and 13. Additionally the maximum number of diagonal transversals is recorded.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 10
Topics: 2

Last post: December 26, 2022, 05:10:27 PM Re: Project Updates by chooka03

Project Retired.

Posts: 5
Topics: 1

Last post: May 05, 2009, 10:32:48 PM Re: Whats up with Tanpak... by MIGHTYMAN

This is a test project, to demonstrate the use of the CERN-developed CernVM and BOINCVM systems to harness volunteer cloud computing power for full-fledged LHC event physics simulation on volunteer computers.

It is the first of what is expected to be a series of physics applications running on the LHC@home 2.0 platform. These applications will exploit virtual machine technology, enabling volunteers to contribute to the huge computational task of searching for new fundamental particles at CERN's LHC.
This is just the pure BOINC server application. Please visit the LHC@home 2.0 web site for more documentation, data and instructions.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 4
Topics: 2

Last post: August 13, 2011, 08:58:01 AM Re: Project Overview by veebee

A Biology and Medicine project that supplies computing power to scientists at the University of Maryland studying evolutionary relationships based on DNA sequence data.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 8
Topics: 3

Last post: August 04, 2009, 09:20:44 AM Re: Project News - The L... by BF

theSkyNet POGS is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in astronomy. We will combine the spectral coverage of GALEX, Pan-STARRS1, and WISE to generate a multi-wavelength UV-optical-NIR galaxy atlas for the nearby Universe. We will measure physical parameters (such as stellar mass surface density, star formation rate surface density, attenuation, and first-order star formation history) on a resolved pixel-by-pixel basis using spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting techniques in a distributed computing mode. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.

theSkyNet POGS is based at The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 368
Topics: 7

Last post: September 28, 2022, 07:27:34 PM Re: The Flags are still ... by Abruraspingi

Project Retired.

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

Project Retired.

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

Inactive Project.  A Miscellaneous project set up as a test project in collaboration with

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

A Chemistry/Physics project specialising in microgravity & microfluidics research.

Posts: 3
Topics: 2

Last post: April 11, 2010, 07:12:52 PM Re: No Checkpointing by Mike Mitchell

This proposal aims to create the first database of the simulated stellar content of the Universe,
from the earliest stars to the most exotic black hole binaries. This comprehensive stellar library will
be a world-wide scientific resource for astronomers, and an educational asset for the public. With
a state-of-the-art suite of computational tools, we can calculate the physical properties of individual
stars, evolve them in time, and track how they interact with each other as they age. With this library
of stellar populations that spans the known range of star formation histories and initial elemental
abundances, it is possible to tackle fundamental science questions that have been out of reach in
general relativity, astronomy, and cosmology. As a group we will use this database to characterize the
population of supernova progenitor stars that have been used to discover the mysterious dark energy
that accelerates the expansion of the Universe; we can calculate how (if at all) binary evolution
facilitates the formation of ultra-luminous X-ray sources, and we can model the number and physical
properties of neutron stars and black holes that strongly emit gravitational waves that are at the
heart of research into gamma-ray bursts – the most energetic explosions known-to-date. The data
that we create can be mined not only to match current observations, but to predict how the sky
will appear to future astronomical observatories as new windows to the Universe open. Altogether,
this proposal will allow us to consolidate a strong and highly visible research group; an independent
computational center that trains a new cohort of highly educated students, and communicates with
the public via innovative science venues, and offer a fresh look at the Universe.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 7
Topics: 1

Last post: September 09, 2014, 02:00:09 AM Re: Project Overview by Dataman

To participate, Download and run BOINC, and add Project ''. It only works with Windows computers (without Avast) and with Linux computers. You can also Read our rules and policies. This is a project of Daniel Monroe, who is a student at Takoma Park Middle School.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 14
Topics: 2

Last post: February 03, 2021, 08:27:21 PM Re: Project Update by Dingo

An Earth and Environmental Science project.

Posts: 4
Topics: 3

Last post: June 24, 2009, 10:15:07 AM Re: Project News - Virtu... by BF

VRS (from the Spanish Virus Respiratorio Sincitial) is a BOINC-based project which main aim is to simulate the behaviour of the human Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Main facts:

    * It is the major cause of lower respiratory tract infection and hospital visits during infancy and childhood.
    * In Spain, it causes more than 15.000 padiatrician visits per year.
    * It is responsible for more than 18% of the pneumonia elderly hospitalizations.
    * In the United States, 60% of infants are infected during their first RSV season. Nearly all children will have been infected with the virus by 2-3 years of age. Of those infected with RSV, 23% will develop bronchiolitis necessitating hospitalization.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: November 02, 2010, 01:49:59 PM Project Overview by Dingo

A mathematical project run by the Lithuanian University and other academic institutions.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 5
Topics: 2

Last post: December 26, 2015, 08:16:23 PM Re: Any Project News? by Daniel

XANSONS for COD is a research project aimed to create an open access database of simulated x-ray and neutron powder diffraction patterns for nanocrystalline phase of the materials presented in the Crystallography Open Database (COD). You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 18
Topics: 2

Last post: June 17, 2019, 09:58:44 PM Re: XANSONS Project Upda... by Daniel

Project Retired.

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

Project Retired

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

Retired Non BOINC Projects

Project Retired. The Drug Design and Optimization Lab (D2OL)™ works to discover drug candidates against Anthrax, Smallpox, Ebola and SARS .

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: May 22, 2009, 07:01:19 PM Project Overview by Cruncher Pete

A Physical Science project specializing in the long term scale simulation of solids.

Posts: 7
Topics: 2

Last post: September 28, 2010, 06:20:03 PM Re: Project Status by kashi

DIMES is a distributed scientific research project, aimed to study the structure and topology of the Internet, with the help of a volunteer community.

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: May 22, 2009, 06:36:04 PM Project Overview by Cruncher Pete

A Physics project dealing with Distributed Particle Accelerator design.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 8
Topics: 2

Last post: December 21, 2017, 11:10:14 PM Re: Project Update by Dingo

PrimeGrid - PRPNet
PrimeGrid uses PRPNet to test and prepare new projects. It is also used as a way to offer more varied prime searches that normally will not make it to BOINC. Credit is applied to BOINC and there is a BOINC badge (PSA)

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 51
Topics: 2

Last post: April 16, 2023, 06:22:48 PM Re: PRPNet by Dingo

By connecting 100s and 1000s of computers together through the Internet, it's possible to simulate a single machine capable of doing some pretty amazing stuff.

theSkyNet is a community computing project dedicated to radio astronomy. Radio astronomers use radio telescopes (of course) to observe the Universe at radio wavelengths (still with me?). All day, every day, signals from distant galaxies, stars and other cosmic bits and pieces arrive at the Earth in the form of radio waves. Once detected by a radio telescope the signal is processed by computers and used by scientists to support a theory or inspire a new one.

Moderator: Dingo

Posts: 140
Topics: 10

Last post: October 24, 2012, 12:32:11 PM Re: Project Overview by LawryB

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