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Project Overview

Started by Cruncher Pete, May 21, 2009, 12:49:27 PM

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Cruncher Pete


Project Summary
SIMAP is a database of protein similarities and protein domains. It contains about all currently published protein sequences and is continuously updated. Protein similarities are computed using the FASTA algorithm which provides optimal speed and sensitivity. Protein domains are calculated using the InterPro methods and databases. SIMAP is to our knowledge the only project that combines comprehensive coverage with respect to all known proteins and incremental update capabilities.
The computational costs to calculate the similarity data depend on the square of the number of contained sequences. So the computational effort for keeping the matrix up-to-date is constantly increasing. Our internal resources that perform calculations for SIMAP since years are not longer sufficient to keep track of all new sequences. That's why we implemented a SIMAP-client for the BOINC platform (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) which is based on the FASTA algorithm to detect sequence similarities.
The situation for proteins domains is different but of similar complexity. The computational costs are proportional to the number of sequences and the number of domain models. Due to the growth of the sequence space and the frequent updates in the domain databases the computational effort for keeping the domain predictions up-to-date is constantly increasing.

SIMAP is a joint project of the GSF National Research Center for Environment and Health, Neuherberg and Technical University Munich, Center of Life and Food Science Weihenstephan (both in Germany).

The following platforms are supported:

Microsoft Windows x86       (32bit)
Microsoft Windows x86_64  (64bit)
Linux x86                           (32bit)
Linux x86_64                      (64bit)
Mac OS X

Connecting to SIMAP
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