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Started by Dingo, June 06, 2014, 07:59:14 AM

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Mike Mitchell

Is the project BOINC or Non-BOINC? :confused:
AA's > 1-Malaria 2-Tanpaku 3-Riesl Siev 4-Seti 5-ABC 6-Einstein 7-WCG 8-Seti 9-QMC 10-WCG 11-Cosmo 12-ABC 13-MilkyWay 14-3x+1 15-Rosetta 16-ABC 17-MilkyWay 18-Einstein 19-WCG 20-WCG 21-Poem 22-Rosetta 23-Docking 24-Spinhenge 25-Alternate 26-Simap 27-Alternate 28-Constellation 29-WCG 30-Edges 31-Alternate 32-Pogs 33-WCG 34-Seti 35-Pogs 36-Poem 37-Pogs 38-Asteroids 39-Pogs 40-Simap 41-Pogs 42-Seti


It is run outside of BOINC with an application from Primegrid but it counted toward BOINC Primegrid points and badges. 

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@kashi -   To stop the client and do all tasks and return them then exit you need to go into the folders (prpclient-1, prpclient-2) etc and modify the prpclient.ini and change from 0 to 6 and save.  It is looked at each time the task is finished.

// stopasapoption= tells the client that it needs to be shutdown automatically, i.e. without
// a CTRL-C.  It is evaluated after each test is completed.  It should be 0 upon startup.
// The accepted values are:
//    0 - Continue processing work units
//    2 - Return completed work units and abandon the rest
//    3 - Return completed work units (keep the rest)
//    6 - Complete all work units and return them
//    7 - Complete all work units then shut down (do not report completed work)

Also if my config file didn't play up we would be in second place without a challenger.  Hopefully we can still get there with your input and my linux input as my windows machines will be off line from today till who knows.

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Thanks for the tips. :thumbsup:

Had worked out that you can't update the individual prpclient.ini files via updating the master_prpclient.ini file while it's running. Had tried changing the stopasapoption parameter to 6 in the 4 individual prpclient.ini files but it didn't work for some reason and downloaded new tasks. I must have done something wrong or it was just that machine mucking up again, it's turned off now as I memtested the memory and it's faulty.

New memory should arrive this week, a new brand for me, Kingston and the model is HyperX Savage. Hope it's Savage enough to cope with BOINC better than the faulty G.Skill. The exact model Kingston is on motherboard's memory QVL, so hopefully it will be able to run at its rated speed. Funny thing is the keyboard on the dual socket box has just started playing up, @/2, w, s and x keys have stopped working. It's a Keytronic Lifetime model, but obviously its lifetime is more limited than mine.

Noticed you've added the team to your dingo7 machine. With that and my 16 instances now returning the correct tasks we've passed Aggie The Pew team for 2nd spot. v:

I vaguely remember that Aggie the Pew was the name of a Primegrid contributor's pet rat, haha.


Just checking in at 01:02 Monday morning. Been driving since 19:00 Sunday. I am about 50 km North of Las Vegas turning onto 93 North to bypass Salt lake City UT.

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That's a fair whack of driving. Hope you're escaping the heat a bit by driving at night.

I don't drive much any more. Furthest I've been in the Skoda is from here at Point Clare to Patonga last year. Had lunch at the pub there. Very scenic spot. Tasty food but quite expensive. My brother ordered 2 schooners of Coopers at the bar. Should've  seen his face when barmaid said the cost was $17.80. Lots of visitors from Sydney go there, so they have Sydney style higher prices. For comparison a schooner of Reschs or Tooheys at the Gosford Hotel was about $6 then.


Well we finished in 2nd, that was great. v:

And both of us in the top 10 individually also, Dingo 5th, me 6th. :thumbsup:

Nice short challenge, after learning from my misconfigurations this time I should be all ready for the next one.

I've scored 6,635,291 PRPNet points which at 20:1 conversion ratio equals 331,764 BOINC credits. So credit isn't too shabby for a CPU project.

I know they convert PRPNet points slowly so as not to spike your BOINC RAC but this is a bit ridiculous so far. I've got 100 credits per day for the last 4 days and amount per day hasn't increased. At this rate it will take 9 years before it is all converted to BOINC credit, haha.


Yes great little challenge and we should do better next time if I see it start.  Team in second place overall was good.  I was credited 3431 ponts today and the last week got 12.226 credits so they are coming in.

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Yay, my pending BOINC credit for the Challenge has appeared. v:

It has been showing only about 7,000 pending since the end of the Challenge when it should have been over 300,000 and I was getting converted credit of only 100 per day. Thought I had misconfigured something or it had been missed when manually being assigned to BOINC. But it popped up today "Pending credit: 327,616".

The pending PSA credit is shown in the "Credit Needed for Next Badge" column on Badges web page. Click any of your badge icons on Your Account page to get to Badge page. That column also shows number of tasks in progress for BOINC subprojects.

I did 5 AP27 tasks and got my bronze badge so as to boost my RAC to get more PRPNet credit converted to BOINC credit per day. Took over 27 hours each, if my other computer was working would have taken about 30 minutes each or less on GPU, haha. Might do a some more PRPNet tasks and get my gold PSA badge as I'll be close to it now, mmm badge tragic I've become.


I am still getting credit from the prp challenge as I am not running Primegrid anywhere and got another 9909 credits today.  I will take all I can get..  :BigGrin

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Good on you Dingo. :thumbsup:

I'm still getting some too, 4,577 today. Daily conversion amount is slowly rising with my RAC. Still have over 300,000 pending so will be a while yet before it all arrives. Strange system doing it that way, it's like phantom crunching, will possibly still be getting daily credit weeks after stopping doing any work, haha.


I started crunching prp-net 27 jobs today a few hours late because I was visiting my brother in hospital.

PRPNet May-June Challenge

Cube Challenge 3^3=27

Please join us for a PRPNet challenge at the 27 prime search project from the 27th May till 3rd of June.

Stats for this challenge =

User Stats just change the name

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Have a look at the BOINC@AUSTRALIA Facebook Page and join and also the Twitter Page.

Proud Founder and member of BOINC@AUSTRALIA

My Luck Prime 1,056,356 digits.
Have a look at my  Web Cam of Parliament House Ottawa, CANADA


Added some cores myself, the more the merrier. :jester:

Whacked 2 cores on single box. Tried to get multi threading working on dual box but had no success and gave up after a challenging few hours. Something must have been wrong with my bat file or I had misread Roger's instructions. Set up 8 separate client instances instead. A bit slow, but I'll turn off H/T on that box after I've whittled my CSG cache down a little further and that should speed things up.

We're currently 6th, not far behind Sicituradastra. :thumbsup:


We have jumped to 3rd place in the Challenge since you increased you output.

I have 34 tasks running on four machis 1X WIN 10 64 bit and 3 Linux 64 bit   One of the Linux machines (Dingo2) is running 10 tasks on an 8 core machine.  I must have stuffed up the Install.  I had to install all the linux machines manually as the bat files did not work.

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My Luck Prime 1,056,356 digits.
Have a look at my  Web Cam of Parliament House Ottawa, CANADA


I'm just running 10 clients, 8 on dual box and 2 on i7 6700K. Turned H/T off on duallie, that would have spiced things up a bit. Haven't checked that box yet today, it should have mopped up its cache of CSG tasks by now, so I'll fire up VMware later and start running a little POGS as well before AA starts.

3rd for team is a good improvement, plus we're both in the top 10 individually. v: