
If you are a member of the Team on BOINC you still need to register on this forum to see the member posts.  The posts available for visitors are not posted to much by members.
 Remember to answer the questions when Registering and also you must be a active member of Team BOINC@AUSTRALIA on BOINC.

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Project Overview

Started by Dingo, May 22, 2018, 01:36:43 PM

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Project Summary

PrimeGrid's primary goal is to bring the excitement of prime finding to the "everyday" computer user. By simply downloading and installing BOINC and attaching to the PrimeGrid project, participants can choose from a variety of prime forms to search. With a little patience, you may find a large or even record breaking prime and enter into Chris Caldwell's The Largest Known Primes Database as a Titan!

PrimeGrid's secondary goal is to provide relevant educational materials about primes. Additionally, we wish to contribute to the field of mathematics.

Lastly, primes play a central role in the cryptographic systems which are used for computer security. Through the study of prime numbers it can be shown how much processing is required to crack an encryption code and thus to determine whether current security schemes are sufficiently secure.

There is a web page HERE to show your prime numbers found.   You need to change the userd= to your Primegrid user id.

The following applications are supported:

Please see their Applications page as they change with ne applications HERE

Connecting to the Project

The projects Home Page is at:
The Project is also listed in  the various BOINC Account Managers and you can join this project through them directly.
Don't forget to join BOINC@Australia at home Team following your registration.


View our Team Members List and their current score here
View detailed BOINCStats for our Team here

You can look at the log on your computer that lists every task that was run. On a Windows computer, the log is C:\ProgramData\BOINC\

I found this page that shows the different stats on GFN's

NOTE:  When you go the the primegrid website  On the first page at the top left there is text that says "Toggle Menu" which opens a Primegrid page with the options at the top of the page.

Radioactive@home graph
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Proud Founder and member of BOINC@AUSTRALIA

My Luck Prime 1,056,356 digits.
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