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Project Updates

Started by Daniel, June 01, 2022, 11:33:07 AM

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Stats for this project are now being displayed on the BOINCstats website.

You need to tick the box that says "Do you consent to exporting your data to BOINC statistics aggregation Web sites?" in your LODA preferences if you want your stats to appear.


Thanks for the reminder, I had forgotten to do that.


Quote[LODA] LODA project restarted after maintenance
We are excited to announce that LODA is back online after a maintenance period of around 10 months. We used the time to extend the LODA language with new operators which should enable it to find new and better programs for integer sequences. There may still be hiccups during in the rampup phase. If you encounter problems please let reach out to us in the forum or in Discord.

The LODA team

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