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WCG Badges in Signatures

Started by Dataman, July 31, 2009, 11:11:06 AM

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I noticed some members have their WCG badges in their signatures. How do I do that? (My appology if this is covered elsewhere.)



It's a little bit of effort but easy once you've done it once.  Start from this post by WS:

For example in my profile, under Forum Profile Information, I paste the following into my signature:


Quote from: WikiWill on July 31, 2009, 12:19:15 PM
It's a little bit of effort but easy once you've done it once.  Start from this post by WS:

For example in my profile, under Forum Profile Information, I paste the following into my signature:

Thank you. +2 for that! I would not have figured it out. I thought it was one of their Wigets.  :rofl: I'll do it when I am in a patient mood.  :thanks1:


Badges, what badges?

   * Bronze - 14 days
   * Silver - 45 days
   * Gold - 90 days
   * Ruby - 180 days
   * Emerald - 1 year
   * Sapphire - 2 years

Right click applicable image, click Properties, copy and paste Location field into sig and enclose with image tags as explained by WikiWill. [img]copied_badge_location_field[/img]

   FightAIDS@Home     Active

   Help Conquer Cancer     Active

    Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2     Active

   Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together     Active

   Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2     Active

   Influenza Antiviral Drug Search     Active

   Nutritious Rice for the World     Active

   The Clean Energy Project     Active

   Help Fight Childhood Cancer     Active

   Beta Testing     Intermittent

      Genome Comparison     Completed

   AfricanClimate@Home     Completed

   Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy     Completed

   Help Defeat Cancer     Completed

   Human Proteome Folding     Completed


Thanks Kashi. Karma to you too. I can't get HFCC and CEP to work. Will fix them in the morning when I'm full of caffeine instead of beer.  :drink:



Wow Dataman, 3 Sapphire, 1 Ruby, 2 Gold, 2 Silver and a Bronze! You've got more medals than Michael Phelps.
Great WCG crunching there. Excellent. :)

Re the 2 that won't work, perhaps you have run out of allowable capacity in the sig area of your profile. You may have too many badges to fit in there.


Quote from: kashi on July 31, 2009, 01:51:08 PM
Wow Dataman, 3 Sapphire, 1 Ruby, 2 Gold, 2 Silver and a Bronze! You've got more medals than Michael Phelps.
Great WCG crunching there. Excellent. :)

Re the 2 that won't work, perhaps you have run out of allowable capacity in the sig area of your profile. You may have too many badges to fit in there.
CEP and HFCC just will not work ... they are Ruby.  :rofl:


OK, I figured it out. Two of the badges were http not https. Mr Balmer was protecting me from the evils of the world.  :rofl: I did not notice the message.  :dance:
Thanks for the help!


I use the http ones. Someone said it is preferable to use them because they use less bandwidth, so those are the ones I showed in my post displaying all of them.

Don't know why 2 of them wouldn't work for you, my 2 bronze display correctly.


Thanks kashi - just enough of a nudge for me to add mine to my sig as well  +1 :)


It was just me that could not see them because of my security level. I did not see the popup that says, "Windows has blocked some of the content of this page because obviously you are too stupid to be on this page without Microsoft's adult supervision." (or something like that  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:) Once I approved it, I could see them.


Good one, Scott T. A nice trio of badges you have there. I'm crunching away trying to convert my 2 to silver.

Ah yes Dataman, Windows foibles. I've had a few of those with Windows 7 security. Plus I still can't find where everything is yet. :)  I would really prefer an ATI app that works on Linux, but meanwhile my HD 4890 is crunching on Windows like a card possessed.

Grey Shadow

Wang Solutions

Very impressive badge collection there Dataman!


A good collection there Grey Shadow. :)

Hey Dataman, I wondered why I still can't see your Clean Energy and Help Fight Childhood Cancer badges. It is because you are using a https url without an associated security certificate so Firefox is not displaying them. Possibly you are the only one that can see them currently.

You currently have:

Preferably you should take the "s" off the end of "https" so that you have:

You could also substitute "secure" for "www" but I can't think of a good reason to do that, it just uses extra bandwidth.