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DENIS@Home Update

Started by kashi, October 25, 2015, 11:34:22 AM

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Quote[DENIS@Home] Hard drive space crisis solved // Crisis de espacio en el disco duro resuelta
Dear volunteers,
This weekend we have broken a new record for computing Teraflops (since we are in this new stage of the project). This is thanks to the pace of sending results that you have been doing in recent days and being more stable in the generation of work packages.

Although we were monitoring it, the coincidence of this peak with the database backup on the weekend has caused the hard drive to become saturated sooner than expected. We have been working since Monday on moving data out of the server and even other processes, but as we gained space it kept filling up with results that were pending upload.

This morning, for the first time in two days, more tasks have been validated than have been received and little by little normality will return. At first, it doesn't seem like anything has been lost and we are already submitting work again.

We have expanded the space to receive results and are working on automating some of the tasks to ensure we can continue to grow.

Thank you all very much, if we have this type of problems it is because of the great support you give us, we will continue working to grow by your side.

Sorry for not answering in the forums, and thank you very much for be aware of the evolution.

All the best,


Estimados voluntarios:
Este fin de semana hemos batido un nuevo record de Teraflops de computación (desde que estamos en esta nueva etapa del proyecto). Esto es gracias al ritmo de envío de resultados que estáis haciendo en los últimos días y de estar más estables en la generación de paquetes de trabajo.

Aunque ibamos monitorizándolo, la coincidencia de este pico con la copia de seguridad de la base de datos en el fin de semana ha hecho que se saturara el disco duro antes de lo esperado. Hemos estado trabajando desde el lunes en mover datos fuera del servidor e incluso otros procesos, pero según ganábamos espacio se seguía llenando con los resultados que estaban pendientes de subir.

Esta mañana, por primera vez en dos días se han validado más tareas de las que se han recibido y poco a poco se irá retomando la normalidad. En principio, no parece que se haya perdido nada y ya estamos enviando trabajo de nuevo.

Hemos ampliado el espacio para recibir resultados y estamos trabajando en automatizar algunas de las tareas para garantizar que podemos seguir creciendo.

Muchas gracias a todos, si tenemos este tipo de problemas es por el gran apoyo que nos dais, seguiremos trabajando para crecer a vuestro lado.

Disculpad que no haya contestado en los foros, muchas gracias por estar tan pendientes de la evolución.

Un saludo,

View article · Wed, 13 Mar 2024 09:20:04 +0000

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Quote[DENIS@Home] Project progress and summer period // Avance del proyecto y período estival
Dear volunteers,
First of all, please excuse me because I wanted to send this message a week ago, but I was not able to do so. As you have seen these days, just like last year, we are entering the summer period, and the rate of sending simulations will be affected. We hope that it does not stop completely, but the sent tasks will be reduced.

I take this opportunity to update the results of the last months: you have been optimizing one of the most used human ventricle models: the O'Hara and Rudy model. We have tested several optimization configurations and have obtained a new adjustment for the model that improves its behavior in relation to a large number of markers reported in the scientific literature. There is still a configurations that has not been finished, but we are already beginning to prepare a scientific publication that summarizes our results. As soon as it is finished and published (it is a long process), we will share it with you and explain it.

In the coming months we will begin to optimize a version of this widely used model, which is the basis of a new model we are developing to study heart failure. We will take advantage of this change in model to automate some things, so the slow pace of summer may be a little longer at the beginning of the school year, but with the objective that the pace will not slow down afterwards.

Thank you all very much for your understanding, and this afternoon, new tasks.

Best regards,
View article · Mon, 29 Jul 2024 11:12:12 +0000

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