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Project News - Yoyo@home

Started by Cruncher Pete, May 10, 2009, 09:25:34 AM

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Cruncher Pete

From Yoyo News Archive:

08 May 09:

the registered non-profit association e.V. made a major step ahead and proudly announces a first contribution to a scientific article in one of the major microbiology journals (Molecular Microbiology). As the result of a cooperation project carried out with the work group of Prof. Dr. Umesh Varshney from the Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, we just published an article about the Impact of rRNA methylations on ribosome recycling and fidelity of initiation in Escherichia coli. Notably, one of the computer modeling figures computed for this article even made it to the cover image of Molecular Microbiology's May issue.
With this step, the volunteer computing association left its first scientific footprints. We will further proceed to contribute and support world wide distributed and grid computing and, in addition to this, try to generate and evaluate some of the processed results by lab experiments where possible in the future. We are happy about each new member joining our association to support our efforts and, of course, donations are also welcome ;).
Kind regards,
yoyo & Michael.


From the Yoyo@home news feed:


Friday, 24 July 2009 8:00 AM

yoyo@home gets featured in #36 of the German Boinc Podcast.


I just wanted to mention that he Muon project hosted at Yoyo is the same project listed in our project list as MUON1 under non-BOINC projects. You can crunch it at Yoyo or directly from the Stephen Brooks site.  :thumbsup:


Have just created an account here and these are the sub-projects listed for it:

Cruncher - optimal golumb ruler

So, does anyone who crunches this know where i can find info on which ones have short, medium or long WU's and which one's grant the most bang for yr buck on either Linux or Doze?

Additionally, on the Yoyo@home "Read our rules and policies" page in the "Is it safe to run yoyo@home ?" section, it says:

The applications run by yoyo@home may cause some computers to overheat. If this happens, stop running yoyo@home or use a utility program that limits CPU usage.

Does anyone also have experience in just how much one needs to limit CPU usage if any - or does anyone have experience with any of the progs listed hare and their effects on both their computer and this project's WU crunch times?

Just trying to get a handle on this and some info if and when it is/not selected for an AA
Many thanks


Quote from: Dataman on August 02, 2009, 12:47:44 AM
I just wanted to mention that he Muon project hosted at Yoyo is the same project listed in our project list as MUON1 under non-BOINC projects. You can crunch it at Yoyo or directly from the Stephen Brooks site.  :thumbsup:
If run from YOYO it is a BOINC project and all the credit goes to Yoyo team.   If you run it as a non boinc directly from Stephen Brooks site you can be a member of BOINC@AUSTRALIA if you name starts with [BA].  This could be for old PC's that do not run BOINC well now that most projects require higher end PC's and graphics.*&team=[BA]&sortby=Mpts&user=*&oldness=0

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Quote from: Vajras on December 04, 2009, 08:41:43 AM.....Additionally, on the Yoyo@home "Read our rules and policies" page in the "Is it safe to run yoyo@home ?" section, it says:

The applications run by yoyo@home may cause some computers to overheat. If this happens, stop running yoyo@home or use a utility program that limits CPU usage.

Does anyone also have experience in just how much one needs to limit CPU usage if any - or does anyone have experience with any of the progs listed hare and their effects on both their computer and this project's WU crunch times?.....

That sounds like the standard disclaimer that I have seen in the past on other BOINC projects. It is there to warn those that are new to BOINC to be aware of the constant high load that distributed computing puts on computers and thus the potential for overheating. Some people may have heatsinks clogged with dust in a desktop computer or run BOINC on a laptop computer, either of those reasons plus others such as high Australian summer temps could cause overheating when running BOINC projects. So it is a fair warning for new BOINC contributors and a reminder for others to monitor their temps and clean their fans to ensure that BOINC doesn't cause overheating. So basically if someone says "yoyo killed my computer because it caused it to overheat", then the project can say "well I warned you to be careful, didn't I?"

As to programs that limit CPU usage I have never used them. If my computer is overheating in summer on a certain project I either reduce the clockspeed or change to a cooler running project. There is a throttling  option available from within BOINC itself now and I remember some who used it found that it was incompatible with a certain project. Can't remember which one, may have been Einstein.

Don't know about your other questions, but I would be interested in the answers too although I can't run Linux now because I require Windows for ATI projects.


Quote from: Vajras on December 04, 2009, 08:41:43 AM...and these are the sub-projects listed for it:

Cruncher - optimal golumb ruler

So, does anyone who crunches this know where i can find info on which ones have short, medium or long WU's and which one's grant the most bang for yr buck on either Linux or Doze?...
Thanks Kashi for your response - upon reflection, i really should've thought of that !! :faint:

OK, all you YOYO's - what's the best bang for ya buck out of those four??


Running 64bit doz, Evolution seems to grant slightly better credits/hr than the other three, but due to the lack of 'check points', I've been losing quite a few hours of crunching time due to mini power outages, so a true comparison is pretty hard this close to a major iron & steel plants with it's effects on the electricity grid. The evo wu's average between 9hrs min - 16hrs max, on my i7 @ 3318mhz, temps between 76-83c with 8 threads on yoyo & Collatz running on gpu.


For the last year, I've only been running Evo and Muon. Muon has many more wu's and slightly better credits.


Thank you both for the helpful info, I'll have a go at some Muon.

My machine crashes every now and again so I will give Evolution a miss. No checkpoints is bad, mmkay.


I might be losing it - but I don't remember Yoyo having all these badges:

Dataman, have you been lobbying them for more?   :rofl:


Quote from: WikiWill on February 08, 2010, 08:28:58 PM
I might be losing it - but I don't remember Yoyo having all these badges:

Dataman, have you been lobbying them for more?   :rofl:
OMG!!! That is something they just added. A 100M for one project the be GOD??? That would take 50 years running my whole farm.  :shock

You have me firgured out WW ... you know me ... Ohhh, Ohhh, Ooooo, bright shiny things.  biggrin


What is a Held though? Ah, I see it means hero in German, must have forgotten to translate that one.

And what about Half God, that must mean demigod I suppose. A mere 50 million and it could be Achilles, Dataman, Gilgamesh, Hercules, Orpheus and others.   :dance:


Hi all, I just happened to notice there is a new maths oriented Yoyo project - Euler(6,2,5). You will probably need to update you project prefs to receive work units. See for info.

I've just enabled it so I don't have any feedback on it yet.


Some of our members have noticed already but there's a new CPU sub-project in yoyo@home called Odd Weird Search.  You can read about it on the home page:

It's available for 64 bit Linux and Windows.  I've been running it all week and it's a solid performer.

BOINC@AUSTRALIA is currently 22nd in Yoyo@home.