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Started by Cruncher Pete, November 18, 2022, 03:33:55 PM

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Cruncher Pete

An American business man is in Japan making a big business deal. His hosts take him out for a night of fine dining and heavy drinking and they finish off the evening by getting some escorts. Back at the hotel the American and his escort get busy and she is having a good time but as he starts the final act she gets very animated and starts shouting "machigatta ana". He figures this is a cry of pleasure, finishes and falls asleep. In the morning he is quite hung over but his hosts insist on going to play golf anyway. On the golf course his host makes a great shot, scoring a birdie and begins jumping about and shouting so the American chimes in with "machigatta ana". The guy who made the shot looks at him crossly and says: "What do you mean it's the wrong hole."

Cruncher Pete

I was called for jury duty and it was explained to the prospective jury pool that it was going to be a case of extended duration, i.e. at least two weeks. The pool was asked if that would be problematic for anyone and they should raise their hand. Several did. When the judge got to me, he asked what my issue was. I explained that I was under a doctor's care for an foot infection and was seeing the doctor several times a week. The judge asked me how serious the infection was and I replied "I don't exactly know but my doctor keeps wondering why it's green." The judge and the folks in the courtoom laughed and he told me I could go.

Cruncher Pete

An American-Indian walks into a saloon with a shotgun in one hand and a 10-litre bucket of manure in the other:The Indian says to the bartender, "Me want Lager!"The bartender says, "Sure, Chief, coming right up." He then serves the Indian a tall glass of Tennents Lager. The Indian drinks it down in one gulp, picks up the bucket, throws the manure into the air and blasts it with the shotgun. He then walks out.Five days later, the Indian returns:He has his shotgun in one hand and another bucket of manure in the other.He struts up to the bar and tells the bartender:"Me want beer!"The bartender says, "Whoa there Chief, we're still cleaning up from the last time you were here... What was that all about anyway?" he asked.The Indian explained, "Me training for job as politician. Drink beer, shoot the shit, disappear for a few days come back and see if somebody else has cleaned up the mess me left behind....."

Cruncher Pete

Three swordsmen, a Christian, a Muslim and a Jew were arguing over who was the best, so they decided to have a little contest.First up was the Christian, who took his mighty sword and with two blows he cut a tree in half. Such strength. Such power. Everyone was impressed.Next was the Muslim, who threw a silk handkerchief in the air, and then in one stroke he drew his fine, sharp Damascus blade and cut the handkerchief in half as it fell. Such sharpness, such precision. Everyone congratulated him.Finally it was the Jewish swordsman's turn. He took out a relatively small sword and his competitors looked at him and almost laughed. Then he pulled out a small wooden box, set it on the table, and said, "In here is a fly." He opened the box and as the fly came out and flew away, he slashed at it, once. But the fly just kept on flying. Now the other two swordsmen DID laugh. So he looked at them and said, "What? Doesn't circumcision count?"

Cruncher Pete

Bill and Bob, two young guys, were sitting outside a clinic.Bill happened to be crying very loudly."Why are you crying?" Bob asked."I came here for a blood test," sobbed Bill."So? Are you afraid?""No. For the blood test, they cut my finger."As Bob heard this, he immediately began crying profusely.Astonished, Bill stopped his tears and asked Bob,"Why are you crying now?"To which Bob replied,"I came for a urine test!"

Cruncher Pete

A man is driving down the road and breaks down near a monastery. He goes into the monastery and asks the monks if he can stay for the night. They graciously accept and shelter him for the night, and even help fix his car. As he's trying to fall asleep, he hears a very strange sound.The next morning, he asks the monks what the sound was, but they say "Sorry, we can't tell you, you're not a monk." He's disappointed, but he thanks them anyway and heads out.Years later, he breaks down in front of the same monastery, and once again, the monks take him in for the night. He hears the same strange sound, he asks again what it was. They tell him the same thing they told him before: "Sorry, we can't tell you, you're not a monk."At this point, the man says "Alright, I'm dying to know. If the only way I can find out is to become a monk, then how do I become a monk?"The monks tell him "You must travel the earth and count every blade of grass and every grain of sand there is. Return to us with these numbers, and you will be made a monk."Determined, the man sets off to his task. Decades later, he returns to the monastery.He tells the monks "I have traveled the earth and found the information you requested. There are 145,236,687,353 blades of grass and 246,243,379,574,475,133 grains of sand on the earth."The monks reply "Congratulations, you are now a monk. We will now lead you to the source of the sound."They lead him to a large, ornate wooden door. The source of the sound is right behind this door.He reaches for the handle, only to find it is locked.He says "Very funny. May I have the key?"The monks provide the key, and he opens the door, only to find that behind the wooden door is a large, elaborate stone door.He demands the key to this door as well, only to find a large, intricate silver door behind it.Behind the silver door is another door, made of gold. Behind the gold door is another door, made of ruby. Behind the ruby door is another door, made of sapphire.The process goes on for several more doors, made of emerald, topaz, and amethyst.Finally, the monks tell the man that he has reached the final door. He's relieved to have finally reached the end.He unlocks the final door, and pulls it open, amazed to finally find the source of the strange noise.What was it?Sorry, I can't tell you. You're not a monk.

Cruncher Pete

Well-dressed guy drives into a construction site in his BMW. Walks into the foreman's office, shows his Union card, asks for job as a labourer. Foreman signs him on, asks him, 'Why d'you wanna work here? You're obviously not desperate for money." Guy says, "I'm a gambler. For instance - I'll bet you a thousand dollars that a week from now, you'll have a hernia - one of your balls'll drop as far as your knees." Foreman - super-fit, never a day's illness in his life - says, "You're on!" and they shake on the bet. A week later, foreman walks up to the bloke, says, "Where's my thousand bucks?" Bloke says, "Drop your pants - I want proof in front of witnesses before I pay." Foreman drops his strides in the middle of the work crew; guy gets his trowel, checks the foreman's balls haven't dropped, pays the foreman $1,000. Foreman pockets his money - easiest grand he's ever made; asks the bloke, "Why did ya bet on something you knew you were gonna lose on?" Guy looks around and says, "Well, I bet every one of these 30 blokes here, a thousand bucks that I'd have your balls on a trowel by the end of the week!"

Cruncher Pete

A bus full of ugly people get into an accident and die. They all go up to heaven.Well, God pushes St. Pete aside, who normally greets the new arrivals, and addresses them."Folks, I feel so terrible that I was compelled to meet you in person." starts God. "Not only did I make all of you ugly, I killed you off pretty early. So Ill tell you what. I will grant you any wish you want while in heaven. So you cant ask to be alive on earth, but you will have whatever you want in heaven."So the first person gets off the bus. As they all begin to file off the bus, God greets each one granting them their wish."What is your wish, my child?" God asks."I want to be beautiful!" Makes sense - she's been ugly her whole life.POOF! She is a beautiful woman.So folks start catching on - they want to know what its like!Next guy "Yeah, ya know? I want to be a handsome angel" POOF!And so on.Well, guy at the end of the line begins snorting, trying hard to hold in his laughter. God gives him a glare, but continues."I want to be beautiful!" "I want to be gorgeous!" "I want to be handsome"God continues, like a factory line, granting these wishes as the folks get off the bus.By now the guy at the end of the line is busting out laughing now. He cant help it; almost in tears.God continues granting everyone their wish - all asking for the same; to be good looking / beautiful / handsome!Finally, God reaches the end of the line; the guy who's been crackin up this whole time."OK, Chuckles" God asks. "What is your wish?"The guy calms his laughter and says "Make them all ugly again!"

Cruncher Pete

Two vampire bats are sitting in a cave. They haven't seen an animal for ages and are desperate for some blood to drink. Finally one turns to the other and says "right. I'm going to fly out and search high and low until I find something to drink." With that he sets off into the night. About an hour later be returns with his face just covered in blood. There's so much it's dripping off him."What did you find? Tell me what you found!" Shouts the other bat excitedly."Well," says the first "Do you see that house over in the distance?""Yes!" Cries the second."And beyond that can you see that lake?""I can, I can!""And the other side of that do you see the church with its high steeple?""I see it, I see it!" Shrieked the second bat."Well I didn't"

Cruncher Pete

Mom and Dad are sitting on the sofa...Little Johnny is at the breakfast bar trying, with great difficulty, to remove the foil lid from a little of yoghurt..."Stupid fornicateing lid !" he says...Mom looks to Dad and says "I wonder where he gets that from ?"...Dad replies "Well out of the fornicateing fridge of course ya stupid bitch !"...


A man walks into a bar, and it's empty - it's just him and the bartender.  He sits down and orders a drink.
He hears someone whisper,
"Pssst... I like your tie".
The man looks around but doesn't see anyone.
"Pssst...  that colour looks nice on you " 

He asks the bartender, "Excuse me, but .... are you speaking to me ??
The bartender rolls his eyes and says,
"No, sorry about that it's the peanuts, they're complimentary.

Cruncher Pete

An English street light repairman has been sent to a town in Wales to repair a row of antique street lights on the Main Street.
As he worked up on the poles he is passed by several of the villagers. " Cheers" the Englishman would say with a friendly smile.
"F*ck off you English bastard" came the reply.
This went on all morning. Every time someone approached while the Englishman worked he would say "Cheers."
"F*ck off you English bastard." Was always the reply.
At lunch the Englishman decided to visit the local pub. Bartender served the Englishman a pint and started cleaning some glasses.
"Can I ask you something mate?"
"Sure" said the Bartender.
"Every time someone passes me by while I'm working I say 'cheers' but everyone keeps saying 'f*ck off you English bastard."
"Ah," said the bartender with a grin. "You have to speak the native tongue here. Next time someone approaches instead of saying Cheers say Yaki Dah. I think you will find people will be much more friendly to you".
"Thank you!" said the Englishman excitedly. He then left the bar and went back to work.
As the Englishman worked he was very anxious for someone to approach him so he could try out what the bartender told him. But as luck would have it no one came. The Englishman became disappointed not seeing a single soul pass by now. Suddenly a man came walking up the sidewalk towards him. The Englishman became excited as he watched the man approach. As soon as he was close the Englishman said "Yaki Dah!"
"F*ck off you Welsh bastard." Said the man.


A British man was going through Australian customs,

The customs official asks the man " Sir, Do you have a criminal record? "

The British man replies  "No - Do we still need one ??

Cruncher Pete

A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey. He orders a drink, and while
he's drinking, the monkey jumps all over the place, eating everything
behind the bar. Then the monkey jumps on to the pool table and swallows a
billiard ball.
The bartender screams at the guy, "Your monkey just ate the cue ball off
my pool table -- whole!"
"Sorry," replied the guy. "He eats everything in sight, the little bastard. I'll pay for everything."
The man finishes his drink, pays and leaves.
Two weeks later, he's in the bar with his pet monkey, again. He orders a
drink, and the monkey starts running around the bar. The monkey finds a
maraschino cherry on the bar. He grabs it, sticks it up his ass, pulls it out and
eats it.
The bartender is disgusted. "Did you see what your monkey did now?" he
"Yeah," replies the guy. "He still eats everything in sight, but ever since he
swallowed that cue ball, he measures stuff first." ;)

Cruncher Pete

An Irishman walks into an Irish pub and as he pulls up to the bar and has a conversation with a couple of other patrons. "this bar is OK, but it doesn't compare to O'hara's...At O'hara's you buy two drinks and then he buys you one." "Well," says the guy sitting to his right, "At O'grady's you buy one drink and then he buys you one. You buy another and he buys you another!" "Ha!" says the patron sitting to his left, "At McDougals he buys you a drink. Then he buys you two more. And then he takes you out back and gets you laid!" The other patrons scoffed and said he's making it up. "No really" came the reply - "It happened to my sister!"